sábado, 5 de janeiro de 2019

RigaMusicaAnalise #515 Marina Kaye - Freeze You Out

You know I've been hurt before you
Yeah you know the score
And I know you want more
You want me to go out
Yeah you know I get high score
I get cold when you don't go slow
But I know you want more
You need me to go out
And I know you were worth it
And I know this gonna work it

I could only let you win
But I'm freezing
I'm not running away
I'm not running away
I will feel the pain instead
I'm not running again
I'm not running again
Even though I'm scared

And I won't freeze you out
Like I've been
I won't freeze you out
I'm gonna let you win
And I won't freeze you out
Like I've been
I won't freeze you out
My heart is melting
There is my heart for you to hold
Feel the beat, feel the one blood?
Yeah I feel the feather that I pushed through
And so and you you wanted more
And so?

And I know you were worth it
And I know this gonna work it
I could only let you win
But I'm freezing
I'm not running away
I'm not running away
I will feel the pain instead
I'm not running again
I'm not running again
Even though I'm scared

And I won't freeze you out
Like I've been
I won't freeze you out
I'm gonna let you win
And I won't freeze you out
Like I've been
I won't freeze you out
My heart is melting
I won't freeze you out
My heart is melting
I won't freeze you out

My heart is melting
I'm not running away
I'm not running away
I will feel the pain instead
I'm not running again
I'm not running again
Even though I'm scared

And I won't freeze you out
Like I've been
I won't freeze you out
I'm gonna let you win
And I won't freeze you out
Like I've been
I won't freeze you out
My heart is melting
And I won't freeze you out

Like I've been
I won't freeze you out
I'm gonna let you win
And I won't freeze you out
Like I've been
I won't freeze you out
My heart is melting

Album: Fearless(2015)

Letra/musica: Sia Fuller

Lançamento single 2016

lançamento video 2016

Curiosidades a musica foi escrita por Sia

Analise Geral musica do album de estreia de Kaye, tem o acrescento de ser uma musica escrita por Sia

Historia do video fala sobre o fim de um relacionamento, e temos o encontro e este desfecho numa praia

Erros:  a cena dos 3 carros junto dela foi feita por duplos ou pilotos profissionais, mas foi ensaiada antes já que os carros passam nas marcas deixadas na areia

se o suposto namorado é um dos condutores dos carros, porque é que quando eles andam os 3 na prais, se vê ele a chegar a pé até lá

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