domingo, 11 de setembro de 2016

RigaMusicaAnalise#355 Coldplay "true love"

For a second, I was in control
I had it once, I lost it though
And all along the fire below would rise

And I wish you could have let me know
What's really going on below
I've lost you now, you let me go
But one last time
Tell me you love me
If you don't, then lie
Lie to me
Remember once upon a time
When I was yours and you were blind
The fire would sparkled in your eyes
And mine
So tell me you love me
If you don't, then lie, oh, lie to me
Just tell me you love me
If you don't, then lie, oh, lie to me
If you don't, then lie, oh, lie to me
And call it true, call it true love
Call it true, call it true love
Oh, uh, uh
Oh, uh, uh
Oh, uh, uh
Oh, uh, uh

Curiosidades: os protagonistas são 2 aspirantes ao bailarinos com problemas de tamanha protagonizados por Chris martin e a atriz canadiana Jessica Lucas

Analise geral: a premissa é que tudo é possível em termos de sonhos e por muitos obstáculos que tenham, tudo é possível realizar e a historia dos 2 aspirantes a bailarinos com problemas de tamanho ( ok usar os fatos de sumo deu para desenrascar) está bem conseguida

na próxima semana

boom clap

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