domingo, 29 de dezembro de 2019

RigaMusicaAnalise #618 You Me At Six - Fresh Start Fever

Everybody loves the original
Everybody's got time to be cynical
Old enough to know better by now
It's the greatest joke, don't go letting me down

Pour my drink, this just got physical
I'm on a new wave, it's getting visceral
Going toe to toe, let's see how you go
I'm in pain so yes it is painful

Oh heart of mine, sing a sad song sing a sad song
Won't you?
Oh heart of mine, sing a sad song.

And it's a fresh start fever
Who wouldn't want to be here?
Welcome to the future
Dream a little bigger

As for now, I reserve judgement
Until these chains, chains are redundant
The brave die young and that's alright for some
But I'm after something long term long term

Let's make resolutions
I've only got problems and no solutions
You're just someone to the world
But you're the world to someone else
Who told you

Oh heart of mine, sing a sad song sing a sad song
Won't you?
Oh heart of mine, sing a sad song.

And it's a fresh start fever
Who wouldn't want to be here?
Welcome to the future
Dream a little bigger

And it's a fresh start fever. Fresh start fever
Welcome to the future
Dream a little bit dream a little bigger

Your a hard act to follow
So I stare down this empty bottle
But there's no message at the bottom
So how do I solve it

I'm a hard act to follow
I know it since I'm slow
A shadow is a shallow does
Keep a track of those scars

I said you've got a chip on your shoulder
It's getting worse now you're older
Getting hard now you're sober
There's your life, it's fucking over

And it's a fresh start fever
Who wouldn't want to be here?
Welcome to the future
Dream a little bigger

And it's a fresh start fever. Fresh start fever
Welcome to the future
Dream a little bi- dream a little bigger

Album: Cavalier Youth( 2014)

Composição You Me at Six

lançamento single 3/12/2013

Lançamento video

Curiosidades é reatrada uma modalidade pouco conhecida: o Speedway

História do video  os problemas de um jovem na modalidade que tem de decidir entre a carrira na mesma e o relacionamento com a sua namorada


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