sábado, 28 de dezembro de 2019

RigaMusicaAnalise #617 Rita Ora - Anywhere

Time flies by when the night is young
Daylight shines on an undisclosed location, location
Bloodshot eyes looking for the sun
Paradise delivered and we call it a vacation, vacation

You're painting me a dream that I
Wanna belong, yeah, wanna belong, yeah

Over the hills and far away
A million miles from L.A
Just anywhere away with you
I know we've got to get away
Someplace where no one knows our name
We'll find the start of something new
Just take me anywhere, take me anywhere
Anywhere away with you
Just take me anywhere, take me anywhere
Anywhere away with you

Fun, little less fun
Little less, over, over, over, over, me
Oh, fun, little less fun
Little less, over, over, over, over, me

Truth comes out when we're blacking out
Looking for connection in a crowd of empty faces, empty faces
Your secrets are the only thing I'm craving now
The good, and the bad, let me in
'Cause I can take it, I can take it

You're painting me a dream that I
Wanna belong, yeah, wanna belong, yeah

Over the hills and far away
A million miles from L.A
Just anywhere away with you
I know we've got to get away
Someplace where no one knows our name
We'll find the start of something new
Just take me anywhere, take me anywhere
Anywhere away with you
Just take me anywhere, take me anywhere
Anywhere away with you

Fun, little less fun
Little less, over, over, over, over, me
Oh, fun, little less fun
Little less, over, over, over, over, me

Take me anywhere
Oh, anywhere
Anywhere away with you
Take me anywhere

Over the hills and far away
A million miles from L.A
Just anywhere away with you
I know we've got to get away
Someplace where no one knows our name
We'll find the start of something new
Just take me anywhere, take me anywhere
Anywhere away with you
Just take me anywhere, take me anywhere
Anywhere away with you

Fun, little less fun
Little less, over, over, over, over, me

Album: Phoenix (2018)

Composição Rita Ora/ Sir Nolan/ Alexandra Tamposi/ Alesso/ Digital Farm Animals/ Watt/Brian Lee

Lançamento single 20/10/2017

Lançamento video 20/10/2017

Curiosidades o Video foi filmado num só dia durante 14 horas em Nova Iorque

o video torna-se tambem famoso pelas varias roupas de marcas de luxo que Ora usa

na cena da dança no restaurante, este estava aberto normalmente e os clientes que aparecem são as pessoas que lá se encontravam na altura

História do video a história é basicamente Ora a dançar em vaias localizações


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