domingo, 9 de dezembro de 2012

RigaMusicaAnalise#149 Green Day "21st Century Breakdown"

Born into Nixon I was raised in hell

A welfare child where the teamsters dwelled
The last one born but the first one to run
My town was blind for refinery sun

My generation is zero
I never made it as a working class hero

21st Century Breakdown
I once was lost but never was found
I think I am losing what's left of my mind
To the 20th Century Deadline

I was made of poison and blood
Condemnation is what I understood
Videogames to the tower's fall
Homeland Security could kill us all

My generation is zero
I never made it as a working class hero

21st Century Breakdown
I once was lost but never was found
I think I am losing what's left of my mind
To the 20th Century Deadline

We are the class of, the class of 13
Born in the era of humility
We are the desperate in the decline
Raised by the Bastards of 1969

My name is no one
The long lost son
Born of the 4th of July

Raised in an era of heroes and cons
Who left me for dead or alive

I am a nation
A worker of pride
My debt to the status quo

The scars on my hands
And the means to an end
Is all that I have to show

I swallowed my pride
And I choked on my faith
I've given my heart and my soul

I've broken my fingers
And lied through my teeth
The pillar of damage control

I've been to the edge
And I've thrown the bouquet
Of flowers left over the grave

I sat in the waiting room
Wasting my time
And waiting for judgement day

I praise Liberty
The "Freedom to Obey"
Is the song that strangles me
Well , don't cross the line

Oh Dream, America dream,
I can't even sleep
From the lights early dawn
Oh Scream, America scream
Believe what you see from heroes and cons?

Letra: a letra, ou pelo menos grande parte dela é baseada na vida do vocalista da banda e fala de como cresceu, como conheceu a mulher, o nascimento dos filhos, mas sobretudo fala sobre as quase inexistentes diferenças a nivel politico ao longo do tempo.

Video: temos como que uma especie de história de vida do Billie, feita numa versão um pouco "animada".

Curiosidades: referencias a Nixou era(nascimento do Billie em 1972), class of 13( referencia ao filho mais novo que acabará o secundário em 2013)

Opinião geral:  a ideia da letra está bem conseguida, mas acho que podiam ter feito a história do video numa imagem mais real.

Na próxima semana


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