domingo, 30 de junho de 2024

RigaMusicaAnalise #1016 Olivia Rodrigo - good 4 u

        good 4 u

            Olivia Rodrigo


Good for you, I guess you moved on really easily
You found a new girl and it only took a couple weeks
Remember when you said that you wanted to give me the world?

And good for you, I guess that you've been workin' on yourself
I guess that therapist I found for you, she really helped
Now you can be a better man for your brand new girl

Well, good for you, you look happy and healthy
Not me, if you ever cared to ask
Good for you, you're doin' great out there without me
Baby, God, I wish that I could do that

I've lost my mind
I've spent the night cryin' on the floor of my bathroom
But you're so unaffected, I really don't get it
But I guess good for you

Well, good for you, I guess you're gettin' everything you want
You bought a new car and your career's really takin' off
It's like we never even happened
Baby, what the fuck is up with that? (Huh?)

And good for you, it's like you never even met me
Remember when you swore to God I was the only person who ever got you?
Well, screw that, and screw you
You will never have to hurt the way you know that I do

Well, good for you, you look happy and healthy
Not me, if you ever cared to ask
Good for you, you're doin' great out there without me
Baby, God, I wish that I could do that

I've lost my mind, I've spent the night
Cryin' on the floor of my bathroom
But you're so unaffected, I really don't get it
But I guess good for you


Maybe I'm too emotional
But your apathy's like a wound in salt
Maybe I'm too emotional
Or maybe you never cared at all

Maybe I'm too emotional
Your apathy is like a wound in salt
Maybe I'm too emotional
Or maybe you never cared at all

Well, good for you, you look happy and healthy
Not me, if you ever cared to ask
Good for you, you're doin' great out there without me
Baby, like a damn sociopath

I’ve lost my mind, I've spent the night
Cryin' on the floor of my bathroom
But you're so unaffected, I really don't get it
But I guess good for you

Well, good for you, I guess you moved on really easily

Album Sour(2021)

Composiçao Dan Nigro / Olivia Rodrigo / Hayley Willians / Josh Farro.

Lançamento single 14/5/2021

Lançamento video 14/5/2021

Curiosidades  o video tem referencias a alguns filmes de terror

Analise Geral basicamente a musica e o video fala sobre a vingança sobre um ex namorado

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