domingo, 28 de abril de 2024

RigaMusicaAnalise#1008 Oliver Tree & David Guetta - Here We Go Again

Here We Go Again (feat. David Guetta)
Oliver Tree

Why would you say that it's already done?
The truth is that it has barely begun
Repeating ourselves, and it happens too much
We both know what'll come
Here we go again, it's goin' through our heads
Here we go again, we're all wondering when
Here we go again, it's never gonna end
Here we go again, we're going till we're dead
Here we go again

Repeating ourselves, and it happens too much
We both know what'll come

Here we go again, it's goin' through our heads
Here we go again, we're all wondering when
Here we go again, it's never gonna end
Here we go again, we're going till we're dead
Here we go again

Here we go again
Here we go again

You can't wait for that day
You think it's coming soon
You're dead wrong, it won't stop
There's nothing you can do

Why would you say that it's already done?
The truth is that it has barely begun
Repeating ourselves, and it happens too much
We both know what'll come

Here we go again, it's goin' through our heads
Here we go again, we're all wondering when
Here we go again, it's never gonna end
Here we go again, we're going till we're dead
Here we go again, it's goin' through our heads
Here we go again, we're all wondering when
Here we go again, it's never gonna end
Here we go again, we're going till we're dead
Here we go again

Here we go again
Here we go again


Composiçao Oliver Tree/ David Guetta

Lanççamento single

Lançamento video

Curiosidades é um sigle que não é single oficial

Analise geral uma especie de coreografia

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