domingo, 10 de março de 2024

RigaMusicaAnalise #1001 Lewis Capaldi - Pointless

Lewis Capaldi

I bring her coffee in the morning
She brings me inner peace
I take her out to fancy restaurants
She takes the sadness out of me
I make her cards on her birthday
She makes me a better man
I take her water when she's thirsty
She takes me as I am

I love it when her mind wanders
And she loves it when I stay at home
I know when she's lost
And she knows when I feel alone

From all my airs and graces
To the little things I do
Everything is pointless without you
Of all the dreams I'm chasing
There's only one I choose
Everything is pointless without you

I light the fire when it's cold out
And she lights up the room
I hope that she'll love me forever
She hopes I'll be back soon
I take her out to the movies
She takes away my pain
She is the start of everything
And I'll be there 'til the end

I love when she laughs for no reason
And her love's the reason I'm here
She knows when I'm hurt
And I know when she's feeling scared

From all my airs and graces
To the little things I do
Everything is pointless without you
Of all the dreams I'm chasing
There's only one I choose
Everything is pointless without you

I'll wait for you
I'll wait for you
You'll wait for me too
I'll wait for you
I'll wait for you
You'll wait for me too

From all my airs and graces
To the little things I do
Everything is pointless without you
Of all the dreams I'm chasing
There's only one I choose
Everything is pointless without you

Everything is pointless without you

Album broken by desire to be heavenly sent(2023)

Composiçao Ed Sheeran / Johnny McDaid / Lewis Capaldi / Steve Mac

Lançamento single 2/12/2022

Lançamento video 

Curiosidades  Niahm Aigar é a mãe e George jaques o filho

Analise geral a musica fala sobre os pequenos gestos numa relaçao e o video retrata isso mesmo, neste caso a relaçao entre uma mãe solteira e o filho


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