domingo, 30 de julho de 2023

RigaMusicaAnalise #969 Oliver Tree & Robin Schulz - Miss You

Miss You (feat. Robin Schulz)
Oliver Tree

Don't remind me
I'm minding my own damn business
Don't try to find me
I'm better left alone than in this
It doesn't surprise me
Do you really think that I could care
If you really don't like me
Find somebody else
It could be anyone else out there

Don't fret
I don't ever wanna see you
And I never wanna miss you again
One thing
When you're angry, you're a jerk
And then you treat me like I'm worth nothing

Don't fret
I don't ever wanna see you
And I nеver wanna miss you again
It'll happen again
I watch it happen ovеr and over again

Don't fret
I don't ever wanna see you
And I never wanna miss you again
One thing
When you're angry, you're a jerk
And then you treat me like I'm worth nothing

Don't remind me
I'm minding my own damn business
Don't try to find me
I'm better left alone than in this
It doesn't surprise me
Do you really think that I could care
If you really don't like me
Find somebody else
It could be anyone else out there

Don't fret
I don't ever wanna see you
And I never wanna miss you again
One thing
When you're angry, you're a jerk
And then you treat me like I'm worth nothing

Don't fret
I don't ever wanna see you
And I never wanna miss you again
It'll happen again
I watch it happen over and over again

Don't fret
I don't ever wanna see you
And I never wanna miss you again
One thing
When you're angry, you're a jerk
And then you treat me like I'm worth nothing


Composiçao David Pramik / Marshmello / Oliver Tree Nickell.

Lançamento single 2022

Lançamento video

Curiosidades é uma remix da musica jerk de oliver tree

Analise geral uma historia muito confusa


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