domingo, 14 de maio de 2023

RigaMusicaAnalise #956 Halsey - So Good

So Good

Looking right, looking like
All the stars are faded
I remember the night
I was so frustrated
I touch your hand for the first time
I see it on your face then
Another lifetime's flashin’ by

I'm here standing in the same dress
You're in your apartment, I'm already gone
Talking wildly out of context
I wish things were different
But 'll never know

When you left I bet you held her body closer
And I was hoping you would tell her it was over
You're all I think about and everywhere I look
I know it's bad, but we could be so good

Couple yеars flashing by
And I'm doing okay
In the back of my mind
All I hear is your name
I bеt you're happy and that's fine
But I regret just one thing
I never got to change your mind

I'm here standing in the same dress
You're in your apartment, I'm already gone
Talking wildly out of context, I wish things were different
But I'll never know

When you left I bet you held her body closer
And I was hoping you would tell her it was over
You're all I think about and everywhere I look
I know it's bad, but we could be so good

Maria calls me and she says she's getting married
She asked me if there's any extra weight I carry
And do I think about the one that got away
I know his name, I think about him everyday

When you left I thought you held her body closer
I never knew that you would tell her that it’s was over
'Cause I'm all you think about and everywhere you look
I know it's bad, but we could be so good


Composição  Halsey / Sarah Aarons / Sammy Witte.

Lançamento single 9/6/2022

Lançamento video 10/6/2022

Curiosidades o video foi realizado pelo companheiro de Halsey Alev aydin que tambem aparece no video. tambem aparecem no video Charlie Oldman, Sora Connor e Tatiana de Campos Ringsbys,

Analise Geral o video conta um pouco a historia de como eles se conheceram enquanto se mostra como se filme um video


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