domingo, 15 de janeiro de 2023

RigaMusicaAnalise #936 girl in red - Serotonin

I'm running low on serotonin
Chemical imbalance got me twisting things
Stabilize with medicine
There's no depth to these feelings

Dig deep
Can't hide
From the corners of my mind
I'm terrified of what's inside

I get intrusive thoughts like cutting my hands off
Like jumping in front of a bus
Like, how do I make this stop
When it feels like my therapist hates me?
Please, don't let me go crazy
Put me in a field with daisies
Might not work, but I'll take a maybe

Oh, been breaking daily
But only me can save me
So I'm capitulating, crying likе a fucking baby
I don't wanna miss it, ba-da
I don't wanna be sick, ah-da
I don't, la-ba-deh-deh-ba-dеh-da-da-da-brah-la-da-da

I'm running low on serotonin
Chemical imbalance got me twisting things
Stabilize with medicine
There's no depth to these feelings

Dig deep
Can't hide
From the corners of my mind
I'm terrified of what's inside

I get intrusive thoughts like burning my hair off
Like hurting somebody I love
Like, does it ever really stop?
When there's control, I lose it
Incredibly impulsive
So scared I'm gonna end up doing something stupid

But I try to contain it
Oh, it gets so draining
It's like my heart is failing
Every night, I'm contemplating
My inner voice is saying: Tough
So I try to brush it off
Yeah, I try to brush it off

I'm running low on serotonin
Chemical imbalance got me twisting things
Stabilize with medicine
But there's no depth to these feelings

Dig deep
Can't hide
From the corners of my mind
I'm terrified of what's inside

Kan man egentlig, kan man kjenne det I hjertet at hvis man får blodpropp?
Jeg følte liksom flere ganger at hjertet mitt slutta å slå og, sånn at
Liksom, at jeg følte at jeg ble helt sånn tung og rar I kroppen

Album: if i coud make it go quiet(2021)

Composiçao girl in red

Lançamento single 3/3/2021

lançamento video 29/4/2021

Curiosidades sim ela voa sobre otod o lado desde videos caseiros a paple de parede do windows xp

Analise Geral um video em versao selfie com varias montagens de videos caseiros antigos da irl in red


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