domingo, 31 de julho de 2022

RigaMusicaAnalise#888 David Guetta & Sia - Let's Love

Let's love
Let's love
Let's love
Let's love
Let's love

I will never leave your side
My love
Standing right beside you is enough
Count on me if you feel any pain
Call to me, I'll run to you again

You can count on me
And I can count on you
You show up
Like I show up
And I'll keep showing up for you

So take my hand
Don't be afraid
This too shall pass
This too shall pass
And we'll get through it all together
We'll get through it all together
I swear you're safe
This too shall pass
This too shall pass
This too shall pass
And we'll get through it all together
We'll get through it all together

Let's love
Let's love
Let's love
Let's love
Let's love
Let's love
And we'll get through it all together
We'll get through it all together
Let's love

I will never leave your side, my love
Standing right beside you is enough

You can count on me, uh-huh
I can count on you
You show up for me
I show up for you
And I'll keep showing up for you

So take my hand
Don't be afraid
This too shall pass
This too shall pass
And we'll get through it all together
We'll get through it all together
I swear you're safe
This too shall pass
This too shall pass
This too shall pass
And we'll get through it all together
We'll get through it all together

Let's love
Let's love
Let's love
Let's love
Let's love
Let's love
And we'll get through it all together
We'll get through it all together

Let's love
Let's love
Let's love
Let's love


Composiçao  David Guetta / Giorgio Tuinfort / Marcus Van Wattum / Sia Furler.

lançamento single 11/9/2020

lançamento video


Analise Geral basicamente uma homenagem aos anos 80 atraves de jovens que se conhecem e relacioanma atraves de um jogo de realidade virtual que recria essa era


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