f I hated you I know that
I could do this on my own, own
If you weren't so good to me then
I could change the background of my phone, phone
You know I dream about
Getting back together in the future
I could focus on you, focus on you
But if I leave right now
I hope that you don't find someone
That touches you the way that I do, the way that I do
My bedtime is the darkest
That's when I'm brokenhearted
The nighttime is the hardest
It'd be easy if I hated you
I'd leave the after-party
I wouldn't miss your body
The nighttime is the hardest
It'd be easy if I hated you
If I hated you
Took an eyelash off my face, said
'Make a wish' and I made three
Wish I could've loved you better
Wish you'd kiss me, wish I wasn't me, me
You know I dream about
Getting back together in the future
I could focus on you, focus on you
But if I leave you now
I hope that you don't find someone
That touches you the way that I do
The way that I do
My bedtime is the darkest
That's when I'm brokenhearted
The nighttime is the hardest
It'd be easy if I hated you
I'd leave the after-party
I wouldn't miss your body
The nighttime is the hardest
It'd be easy if I hated you
If I hated you
I just wanna stay right here
Lay right here
Talk it all over
Don't go, don't go
And I just wanna love like that
We know that we can't go there
Can't go, can't go
My bedtime is the darkest
That's when I'm brokenhearted
The nighttime is the hardest
It'd be easy if I hated you
I'd leave the after-party
I wouldn't miss your body
The nighttime is the hardest
It'd be easy if I hated you
If I hated you
If I hated you
Album The S(ex) tapes
Composição Flectcher
Lançamento single
Lançamento video
Curiosidades a musica foi criada apos o rompimento da Flectcher com a youtuber shannon Beveridge
Analise Geral acho que a maioria se perdeu no anuncio da calvin klein ou na parte em que a flectcher fica apenas de roupa interior
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O objectivo deste blog é poder discutir e debater todo o tipo de temas desde os mais sérios aos mais estranhos passado pela música.Eu gostava de tornar este espaço numa especie de mini forum onde exista interactividade entre mim e os leitores e entre eles.
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