And irony is okay, I suppose culture is to blame
You try and mask your pain in the most postmodern way
You lack substance when you say something like: Oh, what a shame!
It's just a self-referential way that stops you having to be human
I'm assuming you'll balloon when you remove the dirty spoon
And start consuming like a human, that's what I am assuming
I'm sure that you're not just another girl
I'm sure that you're gonna say that I was sexist
I feel like you're running out of all the things I liked you for
Why can't we be friends
When we are lovers?
'Cause it always ends
With us hating each other
Instead of calling me out
You should be pulling me in
I've just got one more thing to say
And why would you believe you could control how you're perceived
When at your best you're intermediately versed in your own feelings?
Keep on putting off conceiving, it's only you that you're deceiving
Oh, don't have a child, don't cramp your style, I'll leave it
Why can't we be friends
When we are lovers?
'Cause it always ends
With us hating each other
Instead of calling me out
You should be pulling me in
I've just got one more thing to say
I'm just pissed off
Because you pied me off
After your show
When you let go of my hand
In front of some sket
Who wanted to bitch
Album: A brief inquire into online relationships(2018)
Composição Adam Hann / George Daniel / Matthey Healy / Ross MacDonald
lançamento single 13/9/2018
Lançamento video 21/11/2018
Curiosidades o video foi filmado no estudio da Disney
Analise Geral como fã de musicais resolveu evocar alfuns classicos
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