The sky is a neighborhood
So keep it down
The heart is a storybook
A star burned out
The sky is a neighborhood
Don't make a sound
Lights coming up ahead
Don't look now
The sky is a neighborhood
The sky is a neighborhood
Don't look now
Oh, my dear, heaven is a big bang now
Gotta get to sleep somehow
Bangin' on the ceiling, bangin' on the ceiling
Keep it down
Oh, my dear, heaven is a big bang now
Gotta get to sleep somehow
Bangin' on the ceiling, bangin' on the ceiling
Keep it down
Mind is a battlefield
All hope is gone
Trouble to the right and left
Whose side you're on?
Thoughts like a minefield
I'm a ticking bomb
Maybe you should watch your step
Don't get lost
The sky is a neighborhood
The sky is a neighborhood
Don't get lost
Oh, my dear, heaven is a big bang now
Gotta get to sleep somehow
Bangin' on the ceiling, bangin' on the ceiling
Keep it down
Oh, my dear, heaven is a big bang now
Gotta get to sleep somehow
Bangin' on the ceiling, bangin' on the ceiling
Keep it down
The sky is a neighborhood
The heart is a storybook
A star burned out
Someone coming up ahead
Don't look now
Oh, my dear, heaven is a big bang now
Gotta get to sleep somehow
Bangin' on the ceiling, bangin' on the ceiling
Keep it down
Oh, my dear, heaven is a big bang now
Gotta get to sleep somehow
Bangin' on the ceiling, bangin' on the ceiling
Keep it down
The sky is a neighborhood
(Oh, my dear, heaven is a big bang now
Gotta get to sleep somehow)
The sky is a neighborhood
(Bangin' on the ceiling, bangin' on the ceiling
Keep it down)
The sky is a neighborhood
Album: Concrete and Gold(2017)
Composição Christopher Shiflett / David Eric Grohl / Nathan Mendel / Oliver Hawkins / Pat Smear / Rami Jaffee.
Lançamento single 23/8/2017
Lançamento video
Curiosidades o video apresenta as filhas de Dave Grohl: Harper e Violet
Analise Geral na pratica a musica é uma historia para crianças
Erros: eles colocaram a banda num "telhado"
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O objectivo deste blog é poder discutir e debater todo o tipo de temas desde os mais sérios aos mais estranhos passado pela música.Eu gostava de tornar este espaço numa especie de mini forum onde exista interactividade entre mim e os leitores e entre eles.
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