domingo, 7 de fevereiro de 2021

RigaMusicaAnalise#734 MUSE - Pressure

I'm trapped and my back's up against the wall
I see no solution or exit out
I'm grinding it out, no one can see
The pressure's growing exponentially

I'm trying to keep up to speed with you
Your lane changing is oscillating me
I'm hitting the ground and I'm sprinting
I'm falling behind now, I'm tuning out

Pressure building
Pressure building
Pressure building

Don't push me (aah)
Don't push me (aah)
Let me get off the ground (don't push me)
To you I'm no longer bound (ooh, wee, aah)

Don't stop me (ooh, wee, aah)
Don't choke me (ooh, wee, aah)
I need you out of my head (don't push us)
You got me close to the edge (no pressure)

I'm feeling the pressure, I can't break out
No one can hear me scream and shout
Get out of my face, out of my mind
I see your corruption, I'm not blind
I'll carry the burden and take the strain
And when I'm done I'll make you pay

Pressure building
Pressure building
Pressure building

Don't push me (aah)
Don't push me (aah)
Let me off the ground (don't push me)
To you I'm no longer bound (ooh, wee, aah)

Don't curb me (ooh, wee, aah)
Don't thwart me (ooh, wee, aah)
I need you out of my head (don't push us)
You got me close to the edge (no pressure)

Pressure building
Pressure building
Pressure building

Don't push me (aah)
Don't push me (aah)
Let me get off the ground (don't push me)
To you I'm no longer bound (ooh, wee, aah)

Don't stop me (ooh, wee, aah)
Don't block me (ooh, wee, aah)
I need you out of my head (don't push us)
You got me close to the edge (no pressure)

Pressure building
Pressure building

Album Simulation Theory (2018)

Composição Matt Bellamy

Lançamento single 27/9/2018

lançamento video

Curiosidades varias referencias aos anos 80

Analise Geral os Muse (ou Rocket baby dolls) vão tocar num baile de liceu, onde acientamente é provocado um acidente que transforma os ratos de laboratório em gremlins que atacam quase todos.

No fim é o director da escola( Terry Crews) que consegue supostamente diziamar os bichos que acabam pro transformar as suas vitimas em vampiros

Erros isto devia de existir uma sequela da história

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