sábado, 20 de fevereiro de 2021

RigaMusicaAnalise #737 Martin Garrix feat. Mike Yung - Dreamer


I’m a dreamer
Don’t tell me not to dream
I got freedom
And that’s everything to me
It don’t matter
What I’ve got or where I go
I find shelter
A million miles from home

It ain’t easy to keep going when it’s hard
Keep shining in the dark
When you wanna fall apart
But I’m a dreamer
So don’t tell me not to dream
I’m a believer
As long as I got something to believe in
As long as I got something to believe in
As long as I got something to believe in
As long as I got something to believe in

As long as I got something to believe in

I’m a lover
Don’t tell me who to love
I’m a runner
Cause I’ve got somewhere to run
I just listen
To the voices in my head
When they tell me
I’ll always have something to believe in

As long as I got something to believe in
As long as I got something to believe in
As long as I got something to believe in
As long as I got something to believe in, yeah

(You got to believe)
You know you got to believe (you got to believe)
I got to believe (you got to believe in)
(You got to believe) yeah, I got to believe
(You got to believe) ooh yeah
(You got to believe) hey hey (you got to believe in), come on

Ooh, you got to, we got yo, she got to, he got to (you got to believe)
You got to believe, hey hey (you got to believe in)
In the morning, in the evening (you got to believe)
Late at night, you got to believe (you got to believe)
(You got to believe in) yeah
I don’t believe, I don’t believe
You got to believe


Composição Yury Parkhomenko / Mike Yung / Aleksander Parkhomenko / Ilsey Juber / Martijn Garritsen / Brian Lee

Lançamento single 1/11/2018

Lançamento video

Curiosidades a musica é uma homenagem a mulher de Mike Young Lydia que tinha falecido recentemente e leva este desde as suas raizes a cantar no metro de Nova Iorque, até aos seus projectos sociais no bairro de Brooklyn

Analise Geral um video quase em versão documentário making of


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