sábado, 3 de outubro de 2020

RigaMusicaAnalise #697 LSD ft. Sia, Diplo, Labrinth-Thunderclouds

All I need is one
One old man is enough
Babe, you got it wrong
Please turn your fears into trust, to trust

Where’d the love go
When all is said and done?
Hey now, I got your hands in the air
I’ma go through your stuff
Where’d the love go?
Put the running into run
You asking me to stay
But I never met a girl I could trust

You’re sayin’ those words like you hate me now (wo-oah)
Our house is burning when you’re raised in hell (wo-oah)
Here in the ashes your soul cries out (a-a-ah)
Don’t be afraid of these thunderclouds
These thunderclouds, oh, no
These thunderclouds, oh, no, no

All I need is love
All I need is a word
All I need is us
You turned nouns into verbs, to verbs

Where’d the love go
When all is said and done?
Hey now, put your hands in the air
I’mma go through your stuff
Where’d the love go?
You put the running into run
You’re asking me to stay
But I never met a man I could trust

You’re sayin’ those words like you hate me now
Our house is burning when you’re raising hell
Here in the ashes your soul cries out
But don’t be afraid of these thunderclouds
These thunderclouds, oh, no
These thunderclouds, oh, no, no
These thunderclouds, oh, no
These thunderclouds, oh, no, no

These thunderclouds
These thunderclouds
These thunderclouds

Album: LSD(2018)

Composição Diplo / Henry Allen / Labrinth / Philip Meckseper / SIA.

Lançamento single 9/8/2018

Lançamento video 30/8/2018

Curiosidades projecto que consiste em Diplo; SIa e labrith

Mais uma vez com a participação de Maddie Ziegler

Analise Geral o grupo viaja num carro voador e acabam no meio de uma tempestade

Erros a Sia realemte só aparece no inicio do video

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