domingo, 5 de julho de 2020

RigaMusicaAnalise#672 Welshly Arms "Legendary

Take a look around me
Taking pages from a magazine
Been looking for the answers
Ever since we were seventeen

You know the truth can be a weapon
To fight this world of ill intentions
A new answer to the same question
How many times will you learn the same lesson?

I think they got it all wrong
We just gotta hold on
And on and on and on

'Cause we're gonna be legends
Gonna get their attention
What we're doing here ain't just scary
It's about to be legendary

Yeah, we're gonna be legends
Gonna teach 'em all a lesson
Got this feeling in our souls we carry
That it's about to be legendary

This is what we came for
And we couldn't want it anymore
We can never turn back now
Got to leave it all on the floor

Been dreaming of the payoff
Though the struggles and the trade-offs
Fighting tooth and nail on the way up
Tell them the truth but they'd think it's just made up

I think they got it all wrong
We just gotta hold on
And on, and on, and on

'Cause we're gonna be legends
Gonna get their attention
What we're doing here ain't just scary
It's about to be legendary

Yeah, we're gonna be legends
Gonna teach 'em all a lesson
Got this feeling in our souls we carry
That it's about to be legendary

Eventually their gonna know who's right
To make a stand you got to win the fight
Can't stand the heat then just stay out the light
For you might never make it out alive
You gotta live without the columbines
Let everybody hear your battle cry

Yeah we're gonna be legends
Gonna get their attention
What we're doing here ain't just scary
It's about to be legendary

Yeah we're gonna be legends
Gonna teach 'em all a lesson
Got this feeling that we're so sweet caring
It's about to be legendary



Lançamento single 2016

Lançamento video

Curiosidades fez parte da OST de alguns jogos e PPV da WWE

Analise Geral na prática temos um assalto ou varíos filmados da prespectiva da condutora do carro de fuga, acção acaba por acontecer do fim para o principio

Erros o reverse mode acaba por não deixar perceber bem a história

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