domingo, 19 de julho de 2020

RigaMusicaAnalise #676 Arcade Fire - Everything Now

Every inch of sky's got a star
Every inch of skin's got a scar
I guess that you've got everything now
Every inch of space in your head
Is filled up with the things that you read
I guess you've got everything now
And every film that you've ever seen
Fills the spaces up in your dreams
That reminds me

(Everything now
Everything now)

Every inch of road's got a sign
And every boy uses the same line
I pledge allegiance to everything now
Every song that I've ever heard
Is playing at the same time, it's absurd
And it reminds me, we've got everything now
We turn the speakers up till they break
'Cause every time you smile it's a fake!
Stop pretending, you've got

(Everything now!) I need it
(Everything now!) I want it
(Everything now!) I can't live without
(Everything now!) I can't live without
(Everything now!)
(Everything now!)
Everything now

Every ancient road's got a town
Daddy, how come you're never around?
I miss you, like everything now
Mama, leave the food on the stove
Leave your car in the middle of the road
This happy family with everything now
We turn the speakers up till they break
'Cause every time you smile it's a fake!
Stop pretending, you've got

(Everything now!) I need it
(Everything now!) I want it
(Everything now!) I can't live without
(Everything now!) I can't live without
(Everything now!)
(Everything now!)

'Til every room in my house is filled
With shit I couldn't live without

(Everything now!) I need it
(Everything now!) I can't live without
(Everything now!)
(Everything now!)
Everything now

La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la

Stop pretending, you've got

(Everything now!) I need it
(Everything now!) I want it
(Everything now!) I can't live without
(Everything now!) I can't live without
(Everything now!) I can't live
(Everything now!)

And every room in my house is filled
With shit I couldn't live without
(Everything now!) I need it
(Everything now!) I can't live without
(Everything now!) I can't live
(Everything now!)
Every inch of space in my heart is filled
With something I'll never start

The ashes of everything now
And then you're black again
Can't make it back again
From everything now

Album: Everything Now(2017)

Composição Arcade Fire

Lançamento single 31/5/2017

Lançamento video 1/6/2017

Curiosidades video filmado nos arredores de Los Angeles

Analise Geral em termos de musica é muito bom, em termos de video é algo dificil d eperceber


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O objectivo deste blog é poder discutir e debater todo o tipo de temas desde os mais sérios aos mais estranhos passado pela música.Eu gostava de tornar este espaço numa especie de mini forum onde exista interactividade entre mim e os leitores e entre eles.

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Ninguem é obrigado a comentar, mas desde que queiram contribuir de forma séria para o que pretendo, os comentários não serão eliminados. Por isso gostaria que tentassem ao máximo comentar apenas sobre os temas dos posts,sem se dispersar muito.

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