sábado, 4 de abril de 2020

RigaMusicaAnalise#645 Imagine Dragons - Next To Me

Something about the way that you
Walked into my living room
Casually and confident
Lookin' at the mess I am
But still you, still you want me

Stress lines and cigarettes
Politics and deficits
Late bills and overages
Screamin' and hollerin'
But still you, still you want me

Oh, I always let you down
You're shattered on the ground
But still I find you there
Next to me
And oh, stupid things I do
I'm far from good, it's true
But still I find you
Next to me

There's something about the way that you
Always see the pretty view
Overlook the blooded mess
Always lookin' effortless
And still you, still you want me

I got no innocence
Faith ain't no privilege
I am a deck of cards
Vice or a game of hearts
And still you, still you want me

Oh, I always let you down
You're shattered on the ground
But still I find you there
Next to me
And oh, stupid things I do
I'm far from good, it's true
But still I find you
Next to me

So thank you
For taking a chance on me
I know it isn't easy
But I hope to be worth it
So thank you
For taking a chance on me
I know it isn't easy
But I hope to be worth it

Oh, I always let you down (I always let you down)
You're shattered on the ground (shattered on the ground)
But still I find you there
Next to me
And oh, stupid things I do (stupid things I do)
I'm far from good, it's true
But still I find you
Next to me (next to me)

Album Evolve(2017)

Composição Imagine Dragons

lançamento single 21/2/2018

lançamento video 13/3/2018

Curiosidades A cantora Aja Volkman faz de mulher do dan no video

história do video o dan ve a mulher deixa-lo e tenta vender a aliança. Como não consegue acaba por matar e tentar roubar o dono da loja de penhores.

acaba por ser preso e condenado a morte e o video é a recordar o seu passado até que é executado


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