domingo, 15 de março de 2020

RigaMusicaAnalise#640 The Offspring - Original Prankster

You can do it!

Until the break of dawn
Life, Life
Cannot go by the letter
Time, Time
Prozac can make it better
Noise, Noise
Any kind will do
Can you feel it slip away
When it's all on you

Crime, crime
Rockin' like Janet Reno
Time, Time
Eighteen and life in Chino
Freud, Freud
All along it's true
Well you see the common day
Catches up to you yeah!

Knock down the walls
It's alive in you
Knock down the place
You alone it's true
Knock down the world
It's alive in you
You're gotta keep your head up through it all

You're gonna
Bust out on it!
Original Prankster
Break out yeah!
Original yeah
Bust out on it!
Original Prankster
You never stop now, stop now
That's what the main men say

You can do it!

You know it smells like shit, Goddamn!
Tag team, the double header
Son of Sam, fire always makes it better
Navigate with style and abplom
Cause' wherever you're at that's the trip you's on

Lies, lies
Says hes down at the Bahamas
Tries, tries
Bangin' you little hoochie mammas
No way
None of this is true
Well he'll see there comes a day
When the joke's on you

Knock down the walls
It's alive in you
Knock down the place
You alone it's true
Knock down the world
It's alive in you
You're gotta keep your head up through it all

You're gonna
Bust out on it!
Original Prankster
Break out yeah!
Original yeah
Bust out on it!
Original Prankster
You never stop now, stop now
That's what the main men say

You can do it!
Time, time, so good to see ya
Nine, nine, don't wanna be ya
Dime, dime, so good to see ya
Nine, nine, don't wanna be ya
Crime, crime, fine sensamilla
Crime, crime, fine sensamilla
Crime, crime, fine sensamilla
You'll see the common day catching up to you

Knock down the walls
It's alive in you
Knock down the place
You alone it's true
Knock down the world
It's alive in you
You're gotta kyour head up through it all

You're gonna
Bust out on it!
Original Prankster
Break out yeah!
Original yeah
Bust out on it!
Original Prankster
You never stop now, stop now
You never stop now, stop now
That's what the main men say

Album: Conspiracy of one(2000)

Composição Dexter Holland / Ron Welty

lançamento single 24/10/2000

lançamento video 

Curiosidades a musica tem a participação de Redman

História do video temos a historia de um rapaz especialista em pregar partidas que ao longo da vida, incentivado pelo Redman vai pregando partidas


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