domingo, 1 de março de 2020

RigaMusicaAnalise#636 Bon Jovi - Lie To Me

Rumour has it that your daddy's coming down
He's gonna pay the rent
Tell me, baby, is this as good as this life is gonna get
It feels like there is a stranger standing in these shoes
But, I know I can't lose me, 'cause then I'd be losing you

I know I promised, baby
I would be the one to make our dreams come true
I ain't too proud of all the struggles
And the hard times we've been through
When this cold world comes between us
Please, tell me you'll be brave

'Cause I can realize the danger when forgiveness fades away
If you don't love me - lie to me
'Cause, baby, you're the one thing I believe
Let it all fall down around us, if that's what's meant to be
Right now if you don't love me, baby, lie to me

Pour another cup of coffee, babe I got something to say to you
I ain't got the winning ticket
Not the one that's gonna pull us through
No one said that it'd be easy, let your old man take you home
But know if you walk out on me
That darling, I'd be gone

If you don't love me, lie to me
'Cause baby you're the one thing I believe
Let it all fall down around us, if that's what's meant to be
Right now if you can't love me, baby, lie to me
Baby, I can take it

It's a bitch, a life's a roller coaster ride
The ups and downs will make you scream sometimes
It's hard believing that the thrill is gone
But we got to go around again, so let's hold on

If you don't love me, lie to me
'Cause, baby, you're the one thing I believe
Let it all fall down around us, if that's what's meant to be
Right now if you can't love me, baby, lie to me, lie to me
Baby, I can take it
C'mon lie to me...

Album: These Days (1995)

Composição Jon Bon Jovi /Richie Sambora

Lançamento single 29/11/1995

Lançamento video

Curiosidades video gravado em Hollywood

o protagonista é o mesmo do video do single anterior Something for the pain

História do video 
 ele anda  a procura de um local para passar a noite( percebe-se mais a frente que foi posto na rua pelo pai) e encontra uma jovem num canto a pedir dinheiro, ele simpatiza com ela, mas não tem como a ajudar.

mais tarde acabam por se reencontrar, apaixonar e sair de Hollywood

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