domingo, 24 de novembro de 2019

RigaMusicaAnalise#608 Tom Walker - Leave a Light On

The second someone mentioned you were all alone
I could feel the trouble coursing through your veins
Now I know, it’s got a hold
Just a phone call left unanswered had me sparking up
These cigarettes wont stop me wondering where you are
Don’t let go
Keep a hold

If you look into the distance there’s a house upon the hill
Guiding like a lighthouse
Its a place where you’ll be safe to feel our grace
Cause we’ve all made mistakes, if you’ve lost your way

And I will leave a light on
I will leave a light on
I will leave a light on
I will leave a light on

Tell me what’s been happening
What’s been on your mind?
Lately you’ve been searching for a darker place to hide
That’s alright
But if you carry on abusing you’ll be robbed from us
I refuse to lose another friend to drugs
Just come home
Don’t let go

If you look into the distance there’s a house upon the hill
Guiding like a lighthouse
Its a place where you’ll be safe to feel our grace
Cause we’ve all made mistakes, if you’ve lost your way

I will leave a light on
I will leave a light on
I will leave a light on
I will leave a light on

If you look into the distance there’s a house upon the hill
Guiding like a lighthouse
It’s a place where you’ll be safe to feel our grace
And if you’ve lost you way, if you’ve lost your way

And I know your down and out now but I need you to be brave
Hiding from the truth ain’t going to make this all okay
I see your pain, if you don’t feel our grace then you’ve lost your way

And I will leave a light on
I will leave a light on
Cause I will leave a light on

Album: What a time to be alive(2019)

Composição Tom Walker/ Steve Mac

Lançamento single  13/10/2017

Lançamento video 

Curiosidades  uma versão acústica foi lançada para publicidade doSony Bravia

a musica foi escrita e dedicada a um amigo que sofria de adições

História do video um homem acorda num barco no meio da mar sem nada a volta. com o tempo percebe que tudo não passa de alucinações


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