sábado, 14 de setembro de 2019

RigaMusicaAnalise #587 Bishop Briggs - Dream

Crying eyes, broken bells
Back in course, no one tells
Down we go, wish me well
I don't know where we fell

Oh, I had a dream that you couldn't hear me screaming
Trying to tell you everything but it wouldn't stop you leaving

I wanna wake up where your love is
'Cause your love is always waking mine
I wanna break down where your heart gets
So torn it's almost breaking mine
I wanna lay here, lost and bitter
So long, I feel like I could die
I wanna tell you what my truth is
But it's buried down inside

Shining light, show and tell
Don't be scared, truth is hell
Down we go, wish me well
No one knows where we fell

Oh, I had a dream that you couldn't hear me screaming
Trying to tell you everything but it wouldn't stop you leaving

I wanna wake up where your love is
'Cause your love is always waking mine
I wanna break down where your heart gets
So torn it's almost breaking mine
I wanna lay here, lost and bitter
So long, I feel like I could die
I wanna tell you what my truth is
But it's buried down inside

They say that secrets make you sick and I should know
Just promise me that if I tell you you will go
Oh, oh, oh

I wanna wake up where your love is
'Cause your love is always waking mine
I wanna break down where your heart gets
So torn it's almost breaking mine
I wanna lay here, lost and bitter
So long, I feel like I could die
I wanna tell you what my truth is
But it's buried down inside

It's buried down inside

Album Church of Scars (2018)

Composição. Bishop Briggs

Lançamento single 13/10/2017

Lançamento video 

Curiosidades todas as letras e musicas são da autoria dela

Historia do video simples filmado em varias divisioes de uma casa, e a parte interessante de ter os musicas a surgirem sempre do mesmo plano

Erros  o miudo da pandeireta entusiasmou-se na atuação final e  colocou-se num plano de maio destaque em relação a cantora

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