sábado, 3 de agosto de 2019

RigaMusicaAnalise #575 Alan Walker feat. Noah Cyrus with Digital Farm Animals-All Falls Down

What's the trick? I wish I knew
I'm so done with thinking through
All the things I could've been
And I know you wonder too
All it takes is that one look you do
And I run right back to you
You crossed the line
And it's time to say f-u!

What’s the point in saying that
When you know how I’ll react
You think you can just take it back
But shit just don’t work like that
You’re the drug that I’m addicted to
And I want you so bad
Guess I’m stuck
With you
And that’s that

'Cause when it all falls down, then whatever
When it don’t work out for the better
If we just ain’t right and it’s time to say goodbye
When it all falls down
When it all falls down
I’ll be fine
I’ll be fine
You’re the drug that I’m addicted to
And I want you so bad
But I’ll be fine

Why we fight, I don’t know
We say what hurts the most
Oh, I try staying cold
But you take it personal
All this firing shots and making grounder
It’s way too hard to cope
But I still can’t let you go

'Cause when it all falls down, then whatever
When it don’t work out for the better
If we just ain’t right and it’s time to say goodbye
When it all falls down
When it all falls down
I’ll be fine
I’ll be fine
You’re the drug that I’m addicted to
And I want you so bad
But I’ll be fine

I’ll be fine
I’ll be fine
I’ll be fine
I’ll be fine

'Cause when it all falls down, then whatever (then whatever, babe)
When it don’t work out for the better (for the better)
If we just ain’t right and it’s time to say goodbye
When it all falls down (when it all, when it all)
When it all falls down (when it all falls down)
I’ll be fine (fine, fine, fine)
I’ll be fine (I'll be fine)
You’re the drug that I’m addicted to
And I want you so bad
But I’ll be fine (I'll be fine)
And that's that

Album: Different World (2018)

Composição Alan Walker / Anders Froen / Nicholas Gale / Pablo Bowman / Rick Boardman / Sarah Blanchard / Daniel Boyle

Lançamento single 27/10/2017

Lançamento video 27/10/2017

Curiosidades  serve de continuação ao video da musica Tired

Analise geral apostar na Noah e ter a colaboração dos DFA foi interessante

Historia video no seguimento dos outros videos o "culto" dos walkers encontra-se num futuro em que a tecnologia foi destruida


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