sábado, 27 de julho de 2019

RigaMusicaAnalise#573 Paramore- Fake Happy

I love making you believe
What you get is what you see
But I'm so fake happy
I feel so fake happy

And I bet everybody here
Is just as insincere
We're all so fake happy
And I know fake happy

I've been doing a good job
Of makin' 'em think I'm quite alright
But I hope I don't blink
You see it's easy when I'm stomping on a beat
But no one sees me when I crawl back underneath

Hey, if I smile with my teeth
I bet you believe me
If I smile with my teeth
I think I believe me

Oh, please, don't ask me how I've been
Don't make me play pretend
Oh no, oh, what's the use?
Oh, please, I bet everybody here is fake happy too

And if I go out tonight, dress up my fears
You think I'll look alright with these mascara tears?
See I'm gonna draw my lipstick wider than my mouth
And if the lights are low they'll never see me frown

Hey, if I smile with my teeth
I bet you believe me
If I smile with my teeth
I think I believe me

Oh, please, don't ask me how I've been
Don't make me play pretend
Oh no, oh, oh, what's the use?
Oh, please, I bet everybody here is fake happy too

I know I said that I was doing good
And that I'm happy now (oh, ooh)
I should've known when things are going good
That's when I get knocked down

Oh, please, just don't ask me how I've been
Don't make me play pretend
Oh no (oh no)
Oh, what's the use?
Oh, please, I bet everybody here is fake happy too

(Oh, please)
(Oh, please)
Oh, please, I bet everybody here is fake happy too

Album: After Laughter (2017)

Composição: Hayley Williams/ Taylor York

Lançamento single 29/8/2017

Lançamento video 17/11/2017

Curiosidades video realizado pelo baterista da banda

gravado em Nova Iorque

Analise Geral uma musica sobre as aparencias, já que apesar de aparentemente estarmos bem com a vida no fundo muitas vezes nao estamos,a penas nao o demonstramos

Historia do video basicamente a Hayley a passear pela cidade onde aparentemente toda a gente está feliz


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