sábado, 13 de julho de 2019

RigaMusicaAnalise# 569 NF - Let You Down

Feels like we're on the edge right now
I wish that I could say I'm proud
I'm sorry that I let you down
Let you down
All these voices in my head get loud
I wish that I could shut them out
I'm sorry that I let you down
L-L-Let you down

Yeah, I guess I'm a disappointment
Doing everything I can, I don't wanna make you disappointed
It's annoying
I just wanna make you feel like everything I ever did
Wasn't ever tryna make an issue for you
But, I guess the more you
Thought about everything
You were never even wrong in the first place, right?
Yeah, I'ma just ignore you
Walking towards you, with my head down
Lookin' at the ground, I'm embarrassed for you
Paranoia, what did I do wrong this time? That's parents for you
Very loyal?
Shoulda had my back, but you put a knife into my hands before
What else should I carry for you?
I cared for you, but

Feels like we're on the edge right now
I wish that I could say I'm proud
I'm sorry that I let you down
L-L-Let you down
All these voices in my head get loud
I wish that I could shut them out
I'm sorry that I let you down
L-L-Let you down

Yeah, you don't wanna make this work
You just wanna make this worse
Want me to listen to you
But you don't ever hear my words
You don't wanna know my hurt, yet
Let me guess you want an apology, probably
How can we keep going at a rate like this?
We can't, so I guess I'ma have to leave
Please don't come after me
I just wanna be alone right now, I don't really wanna think at all
Go ahead, just drink it off
Both know you're gonna call tomorrow like nothing's wrong
Ain't that what you always do?
I feel like every time I talk to you, you're in an awful mood
What else can I offer you?
There's nothing left right now, I gave it all to you

Feels like we're on the edge right now
I wish that I could say I'm proud
I'm sorry that I let you down
L-L-Let you down
All these voices in my head get loud
I wish that I could shut them out
I'm sorry that I let you down
L-L-Let you down

Yeah, don't talk down to me
That's not gonna work now
Packed all my clothes and I moved out
I don't even wanna go to your house
Everytime I sit on that couch
I feel like you lecture me
Eventually, I bet that we
Could have made this work
And probably woulda figured things out
But I guess that I'm a letdown
But it's cool, I checked out
Oh, you wanna be friends now?
Okay, let's put my fake face on and pretend now
Sit around and talk about the good times
That didn't even happen
I mean, why are you laughing?
Must have missed that joke
Let me see if I can find a reaction
No, but at least you're happy

Feels like we're on the edge right now
I wish that I could say I'm proud
I'm sorry that I let you down
Oh, I let you down
All these voices in my head get loud
And I wish that I could shut them out
I'm sorry that I let you down
Oh, let you down

I'm sorry
I'm so sorry now
I'm sorry
That I let you down

Album: Perception(2017)

Composição: NF /Tommee Profitt

Lançamento single 14/9/2017

lançamento video 9/11/2017

Curiosidades  NF foi criado pelo api , apos os pais se terem divorciado.

a mãe morreu de overdose

Analise Geral a musica fala da relaçao de NF com o pai( que o criou sozinhoe serve de homenagem) e foi até agora a musica mais conhecida do cantor

historia do video  um homem vê o filho a afogar-se e nada faz, vê o filho num carro em chamas e nada faz, quando o vê morto arrepende-se do que poderia ter feito

 o final da musica dá ideia de continuaçao da historia.

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