domingo, 23 de junho de 2019

RigaMusicaAnalise#564 Sleeping with Sirens - Legends

We can be legends, we can be legends
We can be legends, we can be legends
We can be legends after all

Hey woh-oh-oh
We can be legends after all
Hey woh-oh-oh
We can be legends after all

Do you remember being young
The world in our hands, your heart in a song
Do you remember being young (remember, remember)
Nothing's ever what it seems
Forget who you are, forget how to dream
I think it's time that we believe (remember, remember)

We can be wild, we can be free
We can be anything in life we wanna be
We can move mountains
We can break walls
We can stand tall enough to fight and never fall

We can be legends after all
Hey woh-oh-oh
We can be legends after all
Hey woh-oh-oh
We can be legends after all

Do you remember growing up
Standing all alone, your back to the sun
Do you remember growing up (remember, remember)
Tell me how it's gonna be, if we win or lose wear your heart on your sleeve
I think it's time that we believe (remember, remember)

We can be wild, we can be free
We can be anything in life we wanna be
We can move mountains
We can break walls
We can stand tall enough to fight and never fall

We can be legends after all
Hey woh-oh-oh
We can be legends after all
Hey woh-oh-oh
We can be legends after all

We can be legends, we can be legends (we can be legends after all)
We can be legends, we can be legends

Stand up and shout it out if you want it (remember, remember)
Reach out and touch the sky 'cause you got it
We'll be here forever
Stand up and shout it out if you want it (remember, remember)
Reach out and touch the sky 'cause you got it
We'll be here forever

We can be wild, and we can be free
We can be anything in life we wanna be
We can move mountains, we can break walls
We can stand tall enough to fight and never fall

We can be legends after all
Hey woh-oh-oh
We can be legends after all
Hey woh-oh-oh
We can be legends after all

Stand up and shout it out if you want it (remember, remember)
Reach out and touch the sky 'cause you got it (remember, remember)
We'll be here forever

Album: Gossip (2017)

Composição Kellin Quinn

Lançamento single

Lançamento video

Curiosidades o video mais conhecido é o lyric video

a musica serviu de hino as equipas olimpicas e paraolimpicas amaericanas em 2018 nos jogos de inverno

Analise Geral  banda um pouco desconhecida

Historia do video basicamente é um video de homanegem aos fas da banda

Erros podiam ter melhor explorado as coisas

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