domingo, 26 de maio de 2019

RigaMusicaAnalise#556 ZAYN ft Sia - Dusk Till Dawn

Not tryna be indie
Not tryna be cool
Just tryna be in this
Tell me, are you too?

Can you feel where the wind is?
Can you feel it through
All of the windows
Inside this room?

'Cause I wanna touch you, baby
And I wanna feel you too
I wanna see the sun rise
On your sins, just me and you
Light it up, on the run
Let's make love tonight
Make it up, fall in love

(Baby, I'm right here)

But you'll never be alone
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I'm right here
I'll hold you when things go wrong
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I'm right here

I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I'm right here
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I'm right here

We were shut like a jacket
So do your zip
We would roll down the rapids
To find a wave that fits

Can you feel where the wind is?
Can you feel it through
All of the windows
Inside this room?

'Cause I wanna touch you, baby
And I wanna feel you too
I wanna see the sun rise
On your sins, just me and you
Light it up, on the run
Let's make love tonight
Make it up, fall in love

(Baby, I'm right here)

But you'll never be alone
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I'm right here
I'll hold you when things go wrong
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I'm right here

I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I'm right here
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I'm right here

Girl, give love to your body
It's only you that can stop it
Girl, give love to your body
It's only you that can stop it
Girl, give love to your body
It's only you that can stop it
Girl, give love to your body
(Girl, give love to your body)

But you'll never be alone
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I'm right here
I'll hold you when things go wrong
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I'm right here

I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I'm right here
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I'm right here

Album: Icarus Falls (2018)

Composição Robin Weisse / Greg Krustin / Sia Furler / Zayn Malik / David Phelan/ Alex Oriet

Lançamento single 7/9/2017

Lançamento video  7/9/2017

Curiosidades conta com a participaçao da atriz Jemima Kirke

Analise Geral  no fim dos anos 80, e inicio dos anos 90 começaram a existir os videos com grandes historias, e este acaba por ser um regresso a esse estilo

Historia do video Zayn e Jemima conseguem engar quer a policia quer um grupo que quer apanhar o conteudo de uma mala que eles transportam. apesa de ser apanhado pela policia ele consegue fugir e acabar por atrair a policia e grupo ao mesmo sitio, onde acabam por se "atacar" e eles conseguem fugir

Erros como é que conseguiram trocar as malas, se eles nunca estiveram juntos um do outro

o que continha a mala de tão valioso

a logica da coisa é que o grupo foi ter a casa errada e que estava armadilhada( como é que indo tão perto do carro do zayn, conseguiram ser enganados dessa forma e dar tempo dele chamar a policia e lançar a armadilha)

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