domingo, 11 de dezembro de 2016

RigaMusicaAnalise #368 Iggy Azalea ft Rita Ora " Black Widow"

I'm gonna love you, until you hate me
And I'm gonna show you, what's really crazy
You shoulda known better
Than to mess with me honey
I'm gonna love ya, I'm gonna love ya
Gonna love ya, gonna love ya like a black widow, baby

This twisted cat and mouse game
Always starts the same
First we're both down to play
Then somehow you go astray
We went from nothing to something
Liking to loving
It was us against the world and now we're just fucking
It's like I loved you so much, now I just hate you
Feeling stupid for all the time that I gave you
I wanted all or nothing for us
Ain't no place in between
Mi-might be me believing what you say that you never mean
Like it will last forever, but now "forever" ain't as long
If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be stuck singing this song
You were different from my last, but now you got it mirrored
And as it all plays out, I see it couldn't be clearer
Now sing!
You used to be thirsty for me
But now you wanna be set free
This is the web, web that you weave
So, baby, now rest in peace
I'm gonna love you, until you hate me
And I'm gonna show you (show 'em what, show 'em what)
What's really crazy
You shoulda known better
Than to mess with me honey
I'm gonna love ya, I'm gonna love ya
Gonna love ya, gonna love ya like a black widow, baby
(Black widow, baby)
I'm gonna love you until it hurts
Just to get you
I'm doing whatever works
You had never met nobody
That'll do ya how I do ya
That will bring you to your knees
Praise Jesus, hallellujah!
I'mma make you beg for it
Plead for it
'Til you feel like you breathe for it
'Til you do any and everything for it
I want you to fiend for it
Wake up and dream for it
'Till it's got you gasping for air
And you lean forward
'Till they have a cat scan to check on your mind
And it's nothing but me, on it (on it, on it)
Now it's me time, believe that
If it's yours and you want it
I want it, promise, I need that
'Till I'm everywhere that you be at
I can't fall back, go quick
'Cause this here is fatal attraction
So I take it all or I don't want, shit
You used to be thirsty for me
But now you wanna be set free
This is the web, web that you weave
So, baby, now rest in peace
I'm gonna love you until you hate me
And I'm gonna show you
(Show 'em what, show 'em what) what's really crazy
You shoulda known better
Than to mess with me honey
I'm gonna love you, I'm gonna love you
Gonna love you, gonna love you like a black widow, baby
Black, black, black widow, baby

Curiosidades: o video tem a participação especial dos atores Michael Mardsen, Paul Sorvino e do cantor T I

Analise geral: temos uma empregada de balcão  Izzy azalea que se une a uma namorada violentada psicologicamente pelo namorado Rita Ora para se vingarem dos homens que lhe fazem mal

O problema é que tudo isso não passa da imaginação da Izzy

na próxima semana

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