domingo, 16 de outubro de 2016

RigaMusicaAnalise # 360 Maroon 5 "Animals"

Baby, I’m preying on you tonight
Hunt you down, eat you alive
Just like animals, animals, like animals-mals
Maybe you think that you can hide
I can smell your scent from miles
Just like animals, animals, like animals-mals
Baby, I'm

So what you trying to do to me
It's like we can't stop, we're enemies
But we get along when I'm inside you
You're like a drug that's killing me
I cut you out entirely
But I get so high when I'm inside you
Yeah, you can start over
You can run free
You can find other fish in the sea
You can pretend it’s meant to be
But you can’t stay away from me
I can still hear you making that sound
Taking me down, rolling on the ground
You can pretend that it was me, but no, oh
Baby, I’m preying on you tonight
Hunt you down, eat you alive
Just like animals, animals, like animals-mals
Maybe you think that you can hide
I can smell your scent from miles
Just like animals, animals, like animals-mals
Baby, I'm
So if I run, it's not enough
You're still in my head, forever stuck
So you can do what you wanna do
I love your lies, I'll eat 'em up
But don't deny the animal
That comes alive when I'm inside you
Yeah, you can start over
You can run free
You can find other fish in the sea
You can pretend it’s meant to be
But you can’t stay away from me
I can still hear you making that sound
Taking me down, rolling on the ground
You can pretend that it was me, but no, oh
Baby, I’m preying on you tonight
Hunt you down, eat you alive
Just like animals, animals, like animals-mals
Maybe you think that you can hide
I can smell your scent from miles
Just like animals, animals, like animals-mals
Baby, I'm
Don’t tell no lie, lie, lie, lie
You can’t deny, ny, ny, ny
The beast inside, side, side, side
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Now girl don't lie, lie, lie, lie
You can't deny, ny, ny, ny
The beast inside, side, side, side
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Woah, woah, woah
Just like animals, animals, like animals-mals
Just like animals, animals, like animals-mals
Ah, ooh!
Baby, I’m preying on you tonight
Hunt you down, eat you alive
Just like animals, animals, like animals-mals
Maybe you think that you can hide
I can smell your scent from miles
Just like animals, animals, like animals-mals
Baby, I'm
Don’t tell no lie, lie, lie, lie
You can’t deny, ny, ny, ny
The beast inside, side, side, side
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Now girl don't lie, lie, lie, lie
You can't deny, ny, ny, ny
The beast inside, side, side, side
Yeah, yeah, yeah

Curiosidades/Analise Geral:
os protagonistas são o próprio Adam levine e a sua mulher na vida real, a modelo Behati Prinsloo

o video foi muito criticado porque a personagem de Levine é basicamente um stalker obsessivo que tenta tudo para que behati repare nele , mas sem sucesso.

Na próxima semana


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