domingo, 18 de setembro de 2016

RigaMusicaAnalise #356 Charlie XcX " Boom Clap"

Boom, boom, boom, clap

You're picture perfect blue
Sunbathing under moon
Stars shining as your bones illuminate
First kiss just like a drug
Under your influence
You sent me over, you're the magic in my veins
This must be love
Boom, clap
The sound in my heart
The beat goes on and on and on and on and
Boom, clap
You make me feel good
Come on to me
Come on to me now
Boom, clap
The sound in my heart
The beat goes on and on and on and on and
Boom, clap
You make me feel good
Come on to me
Come on to me now
No silver or no gold
Could dress me up so good
You're the glitter in the darkness of my world
Just tell me what to do
I'll fall right into you
We're going under, cast the spell, just say the word
I feel your love
Boom, clap
The sound in my heart
The beat goes on and on and on and on and
Boom, clap
You make me feel good
Come on to me
Come on to me now
Boom, clap
The sound in my heart
The beat goes on and on and on and on and
Boom, clap
You make me feel good
Come on to me
Come on to me now
You are the light and I will follow
You let me lose my shadow
You are the sun, the glowing halo
And you keep burning me up with your love, oh
Boom, clap
The sound in my heart
The beat goes on and on and on and on and
Boom, clap
You make me feel good
Come on to me
Come on to me now
Boom, clap
The sound in my heart
The beat goes on and on and on and on and
Boom, clap
You make me feel good
Come on to me
Come on to me now
Boom, clap
The sound in my heart
The beat goes on and on and on and on and
Boom, clap
You make me feel good
Come on to me
Come on to me now
Boom, clap
The sound in my heart
The beat goes on and on and on and on and
Boom, clap
You make me feel good
Come on to me
Come on to me now

Curiosidades: video gravado em Amesterdão

é a OST do filme a culpa foi das estrelas

Analise geral: não é esta a musica que deu a conhecer a Charliexcx, mas a que lhe deu maior notoriedade visto estar no filme que estava.

na próxima semana

nos somos bonitos

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