domingo, 22 de maio de 2016

RigaMusicaAnalise # 338 Rixton " Me and my broken heart"

All I need is a little love in my life
All I need is a little love in the dark
A little but I'm hoping it might kick start
Me and my broken heart
I need a little loving tonight
Hold me so I'm not falling apart
A little but I'm hoping it might kick start
Me and my broken heart
Shotgun, aim at my heart, you got one
Tear me apart in this song
How do we call this love
I tried, to run away but your eyes
Tell me to stay a while
Why do we call this love
It seems like we've been losing control
Somebody tell me I'm not alone
When I say
All I need is a little love in my life
All I need is a little love in the dark
A little but I'm hoping it might kick start
Me and my broken heart
I need a little loving tonight
Hold me so I'm not falling apart
A little but I'm hoping it might kick start
Me and my broken heart
Maybe some part of you just hates me
You pick me up and play me
How do we call this love
One time tell me you need me tonight
To make it easy, you lie
And say it's all for love
It seems like we've been losing control
Somebody tell me I'm not alone
When I say
All I need is a little love in my life
All I need is a little love in the dark
A little but I'm hoping it might kick start
Me and my broken heart
I need a little loving tonight
Hold me so I'm not falling apart
A little but I'm hoping it might kick start
Me and my broken heart
Me and my broken
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Me and my broken
Yeah, yeah, yeah
How do we call this
It's just me
It's just me
It's just me
Me and my broken heart
All I need is a little love in my life
All I need is a little love in the dark
A little but I'm hoping it might kick start
Me and my broken heart
I need a little loving tonight
Hold me so I'm not falling apart
A little but I'm hoping it might kick start
Me and my broken heart

Curiosidades: esta musica utiliza um sample da musica do Rob Thomas que publiquei aqui ontem

Analise geral: a historia é batida. os gajos da banda são seduzidos, para dar um golpe de alguns milhares de dólares e depois acabam  por ser enganados exceto  o vocalista.

na próxima semana


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