domingo, 15 de maio de 2016

RigaMusicaAnalise #337 Milky Chance " Stolen Dance"

I want you by my side
So that I never feel alone again
They've always been so kind
But now they've brought you away from me
I hope they didn't get your mind
Your heart is too strong anyway
We need to fetch back the time
They have stolen from us
And I want you
We can bring it on the floor
You've never danced like this before
But we don't talk about it
Dancin' on
Doin' the boogie all night long
Stoned in paradise
Shouldn't talk about it
And I want you
We can bring it on the floor
You've never danced like this before
But we don't talk about it
Dancin' on
Doin' the boogie all night long
Stoned in paradise
Shouldn't talk about it
Shouldn't talk about it
Coldest winter for me
No sun is shining anymore
The only thing I feel is pain
Caused by absence of you
Suspence is controlling my mind
I cannot find the way out of here
I want you by my side
So that I never feel alone again
And I want you
We can bring it on the floor
You've never danced like this before
But we don't talk about it
Dancin' on
Doin' the boogie all night long
Stoned in paradise
Shouldn't talk about it
And I want you
We can bring it on the floor
You've never danced like this before
But we don't talk about it
Dancin' on
Doin' the boogie all night long
Stoned in paradise
Shouldn't talk about it
Shouldn't talk about it
And I want you
We can bring it on the floor
You've never danced like this before
But we don't talk about it
Dancin' on
Doin' the boogie all night long
Stoned in paradise
Shouldn't talk about it
And I want you
We can bring it on the floor
You've never danced like this before
But we don't talk about it
Dancin' on
Doin' the boogie all night long
Stoned in paradise
Shouldn't talk about it
Shouldn't talk about it

Curiosidades: a banda é uma dupla alemã e gravaram o primeiro album apos 2 espectaculos ao vivo

Analise Geral:  a musica em si tem algum hype, mas acaba por ter um video digamos fraquinho e ser no geral de conjunto musica mais video, muito fraca

na próxima semana

ja vi este filme

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