domingo, 8 de maio de 2016

RigaMusicaAnalise #336 Ed Sheeran " Sing"

It's late in the evening
Glass on the side
I've been sat with you
For most of the night
Ignoring everybody here
We wish they would disappear
So maybe we could get down now
I don't wanna know
If you're getting ahead of the program
I want you to be mine, lady
To hold your body close
Take another step into the no-man's land
For the longest time, lady
I need you darling
Come on set the tone
If you feel you're falling
Won't you let me know
If you love me, come on, get involved
Feel it rushing through you, from your head to toe
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh
This love is ablaze
I saw flames from the side of the stage
And the fire brigade comes in a couple of days
Until then, we got nothing to say
And nothing to know
But something to drink
And maybe something to smoke
Let it go until our roads are changed
Singing "We Found Love" in a local rave, no
I don't really know what I'm supposed to say
But I can just figure it out, then hope and pray
I told her my name and said "it's nice to meet ya"
And then she handed me a bottle of water filled with tequila
I already know that she's a keeper
Just from this one small act of kindness, I'm in deep
If anybody find out
I'm meant to drive home
But I've drank all of it now
Not sobering up, we just sit on the couch
One thing led to another
Now she's kissing my mouth
I need you, darling
Come on set the tone
If you feel you're falling
Won't you let me know
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh
If you love me, come on, get involved
Feel it rushing through you, from your head to toe
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh
Can you feel it?
All the guys in here don't even wanna dance
Can you feel it?
All that I can hear is music from the back
Can you feel it?
Found you hiding here
So won't you take my hand, darling
Before the beat kicks in again
Can you feel it?
Can you feel it? Oh no
I need you darling
Come on set the tone
If you feel you're falling
Won't you let me know
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh (sing)
If you love me, come on, get involved
Feel it rushing through you, from your head to toe
(Louder) oh oh oh, oh oh oh

Curiosidades: a musica teve a produção de Pharrel williams que também aparece no video

Outra participação especial é do ator Peter Kwong

Ed Sheeran ficou com o boneco, apesar de não saber trabalhar com ele, e o boneco é exatamente igual ao próprio Ed inclusive nos pormenores das tatuagens

Analise geral: arranjar um fantoche é uma ideia muito boa, ainda mais quando este tem uma personalidade provavelmente muito diferente da nossa( hum pelo que se sabe das noticias de bastidores, a coisa não é assim tao diferente) , mas depois eles aparecerem juntos e juntar o Pharrel é sucesso garantido.

na próxima semana

a dança roubada

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