domingo, 28 de fevereiro de 2016

RigaMusicaAnalise #326 Lady Gaga " G. U. Y."

Greetings, From Eros
God of sexual desire
Son of Aphrodite
Lay back, and feast
As this audio guides you
Through new and exciting positions
I wanna be the girl under you (oh, yeah)
I wanna be your G.U.Y, yeah
I wanna be the grave and earth you (oh, yeah)
Our sexes tell us no lies
I'm gonna wear the tie, want the power to leave you
I'm aiming for full control of this love (of this love)
Touch me, touch me, don't be sweet
Love me, love me, please retweet
Let me be the girl under you that makes you cry
I wanna be that guy (G.U.Y.)
I wanna be that guy (G.U.Y.)
I wanna be that guy (G.U.Y.)
The girl under you (GUY)
I'm gonna say the word and own you
You'll be my G.I.R.L
Guy, I'm romancin' loves to hold you
Know, you'll wear my make-up well
I'm gonna wear the tie, want the power to leave you
I'm aiming for full control of this love (of this love)
Touch me, touch me, don't be sweet
Love me, love me, please retweet
Let me be the girl under you that makes you cry
I wanna be that guy (G.U.Y.)
I wanna be that guy (G.U.Y.)
I wanna be that guy (G.U.Y.)
The girl under you (GUY)
I don’t need to be on top
To know I'm worth it
Cuz I'm strong enough to know the truth
I just want it to be hot
Because I’m best when I’m in love
And I’m in love with you
Touch me, touch me
(Mount your goddess)
Touch me, touch me
(A summer moon comes into full phase)
Get on top of me
(And Mars warring spirit rams into the atmosphere)
Touch me, touch me, don’t be shy
I’m in charge like a G.U.Y.
I lay down face up this time
Under you like a G.U.Y.
I wanna be that guy (G.U.Y.)
I wanna be that guy (G.U.Y.)
I wanna be that guy (G.U.Y.)
The girl under you (GUY)
I wanna be that guy (G.U.Y.)
I’ll wreck you right up, guy (G.U.Y.)
I’ll lie down face up, guy (G.U.Y.)
The girl under you (GUY)
Nein, zedd!
Nein, zedd!
Nein, zedd!
Nein, zedd!

Curiosidades: GUY é um acrónimo para girl over you

o elenco do reality show" the real housewifes of beverly hills" aparece no video

Analise geral: acaba por ser o típico video da Lady Gaga, mas neste caso com uma forte conotação sexual quer no video quer na letra

na próxima semana
ela parece perfeita durante 5 segundos do verão

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