domingo, 14 de fevereiro de 2016

RigaMusicaAnalise # 324 Girls Aloud "Sound of the Undeground"

Disco dancing with the lights down low
Beats are pumping on the stereo
Neighbours banging on the bathroom wall
Your sayin' crank the bass
I gotta get some more
Waters runnin' in the wrong direction
Got a feelin' its a mixed up sign
I can see it in my own reflection
Something funnies goin' on inside my mind
Don't know what its pushin' me higher
Its the static from the floor below
Then its drops and catches like a fire
Its a sound I, Its a sound I know
It's the sound of the underground
The beat of the drum goes round and around
In to the overflow
Where the girls get down to the sound of the radio
Out to the electric night
Where the bass line jumps in the backstreet lights
The beat goes around and round
Its the sound of the under
Sound of the underground
Chain reaction running through my veins
Pumps the bass line up into my brain
Screws my mind until I lose control
And when the building rocks I know Its got my soul
Waters runnin' in the wrong direction
Got a feelin' its a mixed up sign
I can see it in my own reflection
Something funnies goin' on inside my mind
Don't know what its pushin' me higher
Its the static from the floor below
Then its drops and catches like a fire
Its a sound I, Its a sound I know
It's the sound of the underground
The beat of the drum goes round and around
In to the overflow
Where the girls get down to the sound of the radio
Out to the electric night
Where the bass line jumps in the backstreet lights
The beat goes around and round
Its the sound of the under
Sound of the underground
I don't know what it's pushin' me higher
It's the static from the floor below
And then it drops and catches like fire
Its a sound I, Its a sound I
Its a sound I, Its a sound I know
It's the sound of the underground
The beat of the drum goes round and around
In to the overflow
Where the girls get down to the sound of the radio
Out to the electric night
Where the bass line jumps in the backstreet lights
The beat goes around and round
Its the sound of the under
Sound of the underground
The bass line jumps in the backstreet light
It's the sound of the under
Sound of the underground
The bass line jumps in the backstreet light
It's the sound of the under
Sound of the underground

Curiosidades: primeiro single da historia da banda em 2002

Analise geral:  filmado num armazém, para se ter a ideia do underground, vale pelos rifts antes dos refrões.

Na próxima semana

manda-me abaixo uma espécie de banda desenhada

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