domingo, 6 de dezembro de 2015

RigaMusicaAnalise #314 One Direction "Story of my life"

Written in these walls are the stories
That I can't explain
I leave my heart open
But it stays right here empty for days

She told me in the morning
She don't feel the same about us in her bones
It seems to me that when I die
These words will be written on my stone

And I'll be gone gone tonight
The ground beneath my feet is open wide
The way that I've been holdin' on too tight
With nothing in between

The story of my life, I take her home
I drive all night to keep her warm and time
Is frozen (the story of, the story of)
The story of my life I give her hope
I spend her love
Until she's broke inside
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)

Written on these walls
Are the colors that I can't change
Leave my heart open
But it stays right here in its cage

I know that in the morning now
I see us in the light upon a hill
Althought I am broken
My heart is untamed, still

And I'll be gone gone tonight
The fire beneath my feet is burning bright
The way that I've been holdin' on so tight
With nothing in between

The story of my life I, take her home
I drive all night to keep her warm and time
Is frozen (the story of, the story of)
The story of my life I give her hope
I spend her love
Until she's broke inside
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)

And I've been waiting for this time to come around
But baby running after you
Is like chasing the clouds

The story of my life, I take her home
I drive all night to keep her warm and time
Is frozen

The story of my life

I give her hope (give her hope)
I spend her love
Until she's broke inside (until she's broke inside)

The story of my life (the story of, the story of)

The story of my life
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)
The story of my life

Curiosidades/analise Geral: o video mostra a recriação por parte dos elementos da banda de fotografias antigas com vários membros das suas famílias: o Zayn com a irmã, o Harry com a mãe, O liam com os pais e as irmas, Niall com o irmão e o Louis com os avós

na próxima semana

tudo de mim

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