domingo, 20 de setembro de 2015

RigaMusicaAnalise #303 Caro Emerald " I belong to you"

Under the stars there shines one light
That always glistens, always listens to the whispers of the night
When skies are black, full of despair
I asked the sun to tell the moon that two of us are there

The afterglow that’s down below
Is when I see your smile
And in your eyes, true love assigns
Forever is a word that cries

That I belong to you
That endless nights are far away
Are gone and you
Could never love another
And I love you too
I see it up above and now I feel the truth

We overlooked us ocean deep
But now this river that we’re swimming through is promises we keep
The sun comes up, there is no heat
‘Cause what we’re feeling is revealing all we dared

So let it burn, it takes its turn
One we never would allow
There is no heart that chance will break
Nothing else could ever stop us now

‘Cause I belong to you
That endless nights are far away
Are gone and you
Could never love another
And I love you too
I see it up above and now I feel the truth
I belong to you

The afterglow that’s down below
Is when I see you smile
And in your eyes, true love decides
Forever is a word that cries

That I belong to you
That endless nights are far away
Are gone and you
Could never love another
And I love you too
I see it up above and now I feel the truth
I belong to you

Curiosidades:  esta musica é o decimo single da carreira de Caro Emerald

o nome é a abreviatura do nome da cantora (Caroline Esmeralda)

Analise geral: a cantora holandesa tem uma boa voz,  a musica é interessante, , mas acaba por ser um vídeo um pouco sem sal, muito a anos 60 e em que apenas sobressai a interpretação da cantora.

Na próxima semana

carta de reconciliação

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