domingo, 2 de agosto de 2015

RigaMusicaAnalise#296 Lifehouse ft Natasha Bedigfield " Between the Raindrops"

Look around
There’s no one but you and me
Right here and now
The way it was meant to be
There’s a smile on my face
Knowing that together everything that’s in our way
Were better than alright

Walking between the raindrops
Riding the aftershock beside you
Off into the sunset
Living like there’s nothing left to lose
Chasing after gold mines
Crossing the fine lines we knew
Hold on and take a breathI’ll be here every step
Walking between the raindrops with you

Take me now
The world’s such a crazy place
When the walls come down
You’ll know I’m here to stay
There’s nothing I would change
Knowing that together everything that’s in our way
Were better than alright

Walking between the raindrops
Riding the aftershock beside you
Off into the sunset
Living like there’s nothing left to lose
Chasing after gold mines
Crossing the fine lines we knew
Hold on and take a breath
I’ll be here every step
Walking between the raindrops with you

There’s a smile on my face
Knowing that together everything that’s in our way
Were better than alright

Walking between the raindrops
Riding the aftershock beside you
Off into the sunset
Living like there’s nothing left to lose
Chasing after gold mines
Crossing the fine lines we knew
Hold on and take a breath
I’ll be here every step
Walking between the raindrops with you
Between the raindrops with you
Between the raindrops with you

Between the raindrops with you...

Analise Geral

Tenho que primeiramente pedir desculpa, por este post estar um pouco descentrado, mas tive uns problemas com o editor do Blogger, que espero resolver em breve( quando conseguir voltar a colocar o antigo editor)

Quanto a esta musica, está um dueto engraçado, confesso que foi uma musica colocada na lista sem ver o vídeo primeiro.

Na próxima semana

andar de modifay

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O objectivo deste blog é poder discutir e debater todo o tipo de temas desde os mais sérios aos mais estranhos passado pela música.Eu gostava de tornar este espaço numa especie de mini forum onde exista interactividade entre mim e os leitores e entre eles.

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