domingo, 16 de agosto de 2015

RigaMusicaAnalise #298 Owl City ft Shawn Chrystopher "Alligator Sky"

Where was I when the rockets came to life
And carried you away into the alligator sky
Even though, I'll never know what's up ahead
I'm never lettin' go, I'm never lettin' go

Uh uh, that's not a plane, that's me
I'm sittin' where I'm supposed to
Floatin' on the cloud, can't nobody come close to
The concrete and the sky switch places
So now my ceiling is painted with cosmic spaces
Firecracker to the moon, keep your eyes shut
Blastin' off like a rocket from the ground up
Heh, I used to catch a cab on the Monday
Now the taxi's sellin' lights on the runway, fly
Condo on the milky way
A house on the cloud and God's my landlord
And for my rent all I pay is my drive
Got that so If you need me you can find me in the alligator sky

Where was I when the rockets came to life
And carried you away into the alligator sky
Even though I'll never know what's up ahead
I'm never lettin' go, I'm never lettin' go

Roller coaster through the atmosphere

I'm drowning in this starry serenade
Where ecstasy becomes cavalier
My imagination's taking me away

Reverie whispered in my ear
I'm scared to death that I'll never be afraid
Roller coaster through the atmosphere
My imagination's taking me away

Uh, now I'mma dance like I never dance
Sing like I never sing, dream like I've never dreamed
Or try to, 'cause we've been lied to
That the sun is somethin' that we can't fly to
Well, I sit on my star and see street lights
Look up, ha, you'll miss me if you blink twice
Imagination is hot and if you got it you can meet me
When you see me in the alligator sky

Where was I when the rockets came to life
And carried you away into the alligator sky?
Even though I'll never know what's up ahead
I'm never lettin' go, I'm never lettin' go

Where was I when the rockets came to life
And carried you away into the alligator sky?
Even though I'll never know what's up ahead
I'm never lettin' go, I'm never lettin' go

In the alligator sky…

Curiosidades:  esta musica tem 4 versões: esta com o Shawn Crystopher,  outra apenas com o tipo dos Owl City,  uma com o BoB e a quarta com o membro dos Outkast Big Boi .

Analise Geral:  eu costumo chamar as musicas , e em especial aos vídeos da banda do Adam Young , as musicas ecológicas  e este caso segue a temática simples: existe um outro planeta para viver, a terra está super poluída  e celebra-se a saída deste planeta para outro em melhores condições. E Young e Crystopher  basicamente andam a recolher amostras para um arquivo do que existia na Terra.

Na próxima semana

pequeno eu

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