domingo, 12 de julho de 2015

RigaMusicaAnalise #293 Bastille "On the night"

Rhythm is a dancer,
It's a souls companion,
People feel it everywhere,
Lift your hands and voices,
Free your mind and join us,
You can feel it in the air,
Oh woah, it's a passion,
Oh oh, you can feel it yeah,
Oh oh, It's a passion,
Oh oh, oh, oh, oh,


You can put some joy up on my face,
Oh sunshine in an empty place,
Take me too, turn to and babe I'll make you stay,
Oh I can ease you of your pain,
Feel you give me love again,
Round and round we go,
Each time I hear you say,

This is the rhythm of the night,
The night,
Oh yeah,
The rhythm of the night,
This is the rhythm of my life,
My life,
Oh yeah,
The rhythm of my life,

This is the rhythm of the night,
The night,
Oh yeah,
The rhythm of the night,
This is the rhythm of my life,
My life,
Oh yeah,
The rhythm of my life,

Wont you teach me how to love and learn,
There'll be nothing left for me to yearn,
Think of me and burn and let me hold your hand,
Oh yeah-ah-eh,
I don't want to face the world in tears,
Please think again,
I'm on my knees,
Sing that song to me,
No reason to repent,

This is the rhythm of the night,
The night,
Oh yeah,
The rhythm of the night,
This is the rhythm of my life,
My life,
Oh yeah,
The rhythm of my life,

This is the rhythm of the night,
The night,
Oh yeah,
The rhythm of the night,
This is the rhythm of my life,
My life,
Oh yeah,
The rhythm of my life,

This is the rhythm of the night,
The night,
Oh yeah,
The rhythm of the night,
This is the rhythm of my life,
My life,
Oh yeah,
The rhythm of my life,

This is the rhythm of the night,
The night,
Oh yeah.

Curiosidades: a musica é um "mas up" de 2 musicas de dança dos anos 90: The rhythm of the night de Corona e Rhythm is a dancer de  Snap!.

O protagonista é o ator James Russo.

Analise geral: ok provavelmente fazer vídeos não é o forte da banda, alias este foi considerado pela critica como o vídeo mais deprimente do ano. O vídeo que é um policia a visitar várias cenas de crime onde os corpos vao cantando  e a ultima  é a da sua própria morte.
Pelo meio temos os elementos da banda a serem presos sem nenhuma razão aparente.

na próxima semana

o monstro

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