domingo, 10 de maio de 2015

RigaMusicaAnalise #284 Eminen(ft Liz Rodrigues) "Survival"

This is survival of the fittest
This is do or die
This is the winner takes it all
So take it all

Wasn't ready to be a millionaire, I was ill-prepared
I was prepared to be ill, though, the skill was there
In the beginning, it wasn't 'bout the ends
It was 'bout bustin' raps and standin' for somethin'
Fuck an acronym
Cut the fuckin' act like you're happy, I'm fuckin' back again
With another anthem, why stop when it doesn't have to end?
It ain't over 'til I say it's over - enough when I say enough
Throw me to them wolves and close the gate up up
I'm afraid of what'll happen to them wolves
When the thought of being thrown into an alligator pit, I salivated it
Raise your hands up like it's 12 noon
Nah, homie, hold them bitches straight up
Wait until you dislocate a rotator cuff
Came up rough, came to ruffle feathers
Nah, egos, I ain't deflatin' 'em
Last chance to make this whole stadium erupt

This is survival of the fittest
This is do or die
This is the winner takes it all
So take it all

I can see the finish line with each line that I finish
I'm so close to my goals I can almost pole vault over the goal post
And if I don't got enough in the tank maybe I can just siphon enough
To fill up this last can, man will I survive in this climate or what?
They said I was washed up and got a blood bath
I'm not a rapper, I'm an adapter
I can adjust, plus I can just walk up to a mic and just bust
So floor's open if you'd like to discuss
Top 5 in this motherfucker and if I don't make the cut
What, like I give a fuck
I'mma light this bitch up like I'm driving a truck
In the side of a pump
0 to 60 hop in and gun it
Like G-Unit without the hyphen, I'm hypin' 'em up
And if there should ever come a time where my life's in a rut
And I look like I might just give up, eh you might of mistook
Me for bowing out I ain't taking a bounce
Stabbing myself with a fucking knife in the gut
While I'm whiping my butt
Cause I just shitted on the mic and like getting cut
I get excited at the sight of my blood, you better fight with a nut
Cause I'mma fight 'til I die or win
Biting the dust it'll just make me angrier
Wait, let me remind you of what got me this far
Picture me quitting, now draw a circle and put a line through it, slut
It's survival or what?

This is survival of the fittest
This is do or die
This is the winner takes it all
So take it all

[Verse 3: Eminem]

So get your ideas, stack your ammo
But don't come unless you come to battle, jump in the saddle
This is it, it's what you eat, sleep, piss and shit
Lift, breathe, your whole existence just consists of this
Refuse to quit, the fuse is lit, can't diffuse the wick
If I don't do this music shit I lose my shit
Ain't got shit to lose, it's the moment of truth
It's all I know how to do
As soon as I get thrown in the booth, I spit
But my respect is overdue
I'm showin' you the flow no one used
I don't own no diploma for school, I quit!
So there's nothing for me to fall back on, I know no other traits
So you'd better trade your fuckin' mics in for some tool-box-es
Cause you'll never take my pride from me
It’ll have to be pried from me
So pull out your pliers and your screwdrivers
But I want you to doubt me, I don't want you to believe
Cause this is something that I must use to succeed
And if you don't like me then fuck you!
Self esteem must be fuckin' shooting through the roof
Cause trust me
My skin is too thick and bullet proof to touch me
I can see why the fuck I disgust you!
I must be allergic to failure cause everytime I come close to it I just sneeze
I just go atchoo then achieve!

This is survival of the fittest
This is do or die
This is the winner takes it all
So take it all

Curiosidades: Conta com a participação de Liz rodrigues da banda canadiana the new royales

Faz parte da banda sonora  do jogo de vídeo Call of duty: ghosts

Analise geral : com muitas imagens do jogo, com uma voz revelação que é a Liz Rodrigues( talvez uma luso descendente) e com uma postura mais rock do que hip hop( acho que esta musica ao vivo deve resultar de forma espetacular .

na próxima semana

a versão oficial de acordar

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