domingo, 26 de abril de 2015

RigaMusicaAnalise #282 Capital Cities "Safe and Sound"

I could lift you up
I could show you what you wanna see
And take you where you wanna be

You could be my luck
Even if the sky is falling down
I know that we'll be safe and sound

We're safe and sound

I could fill your cup
You know my river won't evaporate
This world we still appreciate

You could be my luck
Even in a hurricane of frowns
I know that we'll be safe and sound

Safe and sound
We're safe and sound
Safe and sound
We're safe and sound
Hold your ground
We're safe and sound
Safe and sound

I could show you love
In a tidal wave of mystery
You'll still be standing next to me

You could be my luck
Even if we're six feet underground
I know that we'll be safe and sound

We're safe and sound

Safe and sound
Safe and sound
Hold your ground
Safe and sound

I could lift you up
I could show you what you wanna see
And take you where you wanna be

You could be my luck
Even if the sky is falling down
I know that we'll be safe and sound

I could lift you up
I could show you what you wanna see
And take you where you wanna be

You could be my luck
Even if the sky is falling down
I know that we'll be safe and sound

We're safe and sound
We're safe and sound
We're safe and sound
We're safe and sound

Safe and sound
We're safe and sound
Safe and sound
We're safe and sound
Hold your ground
We're safe and sound
Safe and sound
We're safe and sound

Curiosidades. Este vídeo é uma terceira versão

Foi filmado no los Angeles Theatre

Analise Geral: sejamos realistas, a piada deste vídeo, é termos um concurso de dança feito por bailarinos de varias épocas e que se encontram para o concurso, depois de saírem dos cartazes promocionais do teatro.

na próxima semana


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