domingo, 19 de abril de 2015

RigaMusicaAnalise #281 John Newman "cheating"

I saw you on Sunday, Monday, ahhh
Hanging with your man again
You came back on a Tuesday, ahhh
With that cold a' look ashamed

Oh, I could love you better
Better than you once knew
And if you're cheating, cheat on, yeah
'Cause cheating's just a thing you do
It's just a thing you do

I saw you on Friday, Saturday, ahhh
Tearing up another heart
You came home a' crying, ahhh
Why you take it all so hard?

You know I love you better
Better than you once knew
And if you're cheating, cheat on, yeah
But I would never cheat on you

Yeah, I could love you, better
Better than you once knew
And if you're cheating, cheat on, yeah
'Cause cheating's just the thing you do
It's just a thing you do

Oh, I've been told you baby
You've done some things so bad to me
I know

You are the one who's creeping
 You are the one who's cheating
But if you're heart is beating
Bring it on, bring it to me

You are the one who's creeping
You are the one who's cheating
But if you're heart is beating
Bring it on, bring it to me

You are the one who's creeping
You are the one who's cheating
But if you're heart is beating
Bring it on, bring it to me

You are the one who's creeping
You are the one who's cheating
But if you're heart is beating
Bring it on, bring it to me

I could love you, better

 Better than you once knew
And if you're cheating, cheat on
But I would never cheat on you, no

I could love you, better

 Better than you once knew
And if you're cheating, cheat on
'Cause cheating's just a thing you do, no, no, no

Curiosidades: o inicio do vídeo começa no final do da Love me Again

Analise Geral: por começar no final da outra musica, tinha tanto por onde pegar naquela historia, e acabam por não aproveitar isso.

na próxima semana

uma espécie de concurso de dança na cidade capital

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