domingo, 16 de novembro de 2014

RigaMusicaAnalise #260 Haim "Falling"

look into the moment like I'm standing at the edge (I know)
But no one's gonna turn me 'round
Just one more step, I could let go
Oh and in the middle
I hear the voices and they're calling for me now (I know)
And nothing's gonna wake me now
'Cause I'm a slave to the sound

And they're calling
Don't stop, no, I'll never give up
And I'll never look back, just hold your head up
And if it gets rough, it's time to get rough
They keep saying
Don't stop, no one's ever enough
I'll never look back, never give up
And if it gets rough, it's time to get rough
But now I'm falling, falling, falling
Falling, falling, falling
Falling, falling, falling, falling, oh

I look up and down
And I can feel the eyes, they're watching us so closely oh
I'm trying not to make a sound
'Cause I'll be found out somehow

So keep calling
Don't stop, no, I'll never give up
And I'll never look back, just hold your head up
And if it gets rough, it's time to get rough
They keep saying
Don't stop, no one's ever enough
I'll never look back, never give up
And if it gets rough, it's time to get rough
But now I'm falling

Step into the fire feeling higher than the truth
(I'm falling)
I can feel the heat but I'm not burning
(But now I'm falling)
Feeling desire, feel the tired, hungry too
(I'm falling)
Feels like I'm falling, yeah
I can hear them calling
(I'm falling)

Step into the fire feeling higher than the truth
(I'm falling)
I can feel the heat but I'm not burning
(But now I'm falling)
Feeling desire, feel the tired, hungry too
(I'm falling)
Feels like I'm falling, yeah
I can hear them calling
(I'm falling)

Falling, falling, falling
Falling, falling, falling
Falling, falling, falling, oh
Oh and now I'm falling

Falling, falling, falling
Falling, falling, falling
Falling, falling, falling, oh
Oh and now I'm falling

Falling, falling, falling, falling
Fall yeah
And now I'm falling
Falling, falling, falling, falling
Fall yeah
And now I'm falling

Step into the fire feeling higher than the truth
(I'm falling)
I can feel the heat but I'm not burning
(But now I'm falling)
Feeling desire, feel the tired, hungry too
(I'm falling)
Feels like I'm falling, yeah
I can hear them calling
(I'm falling)

Step into the fire feeling higher than the truth
(I'm falling)
I can feel the heat but I'm not burning
(But now I'm falling)
Feeling desire, feel the tired, hungry too
(I'm falling)
Feels like I'm falling, yeah
I can hear them calling

Never look back, never give up
Never look back, never give up
Never look back, never give up
I'll never give up, I'll never give up

Never look back, never give up
Never look back, never give up
Never look back, never give up
I'll never give up, I'll never give up

Never look back, never give up
Never look back, never give up
Never look back, never give up
I'll never give up, I'll never give up

Never look back, never give up
Never look back, never give up
Never look back, never give up
I'll never give up, I'll never give up

Curiosidades:  a banda é composta por 3 irmas: Este, Alana e Danielle
                          o vídeo foi gravado na Califórnia

Analise geral:  pelo menos a Danielle  já tem alguma experiencia fora do grupo de irmas, mas apesar de a musica ficar no ouvido, o vídeo é no mínimo estranho( tem o pormenor engraçado delas cada uma ter um casaco com o nome)

Por uma lado parece um pouco hippie assustadas, mas aquilo de pescar com as maoes ou de conseguir apanhar uma seta é digna de filme.

Para finalizar o final do vídeo é um pouco non sense, já que elas parecem felizes e apressadas em sair dali.......num carro.

Na próxima semana

é tempo de imaginar dragões

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