domingo, 19 de outubro de 2014

RigaMusicaAnalise #256 Train "Mermaid"

Can’t swim so i took a boat, to an island so remote
Only Johnny Depp has ever been to it before
I stayed there till the air was clear
I was bored and out of tears, then i saw you washed up on the shore
I offered you my coat, thank god this luck can float
Crazy how that shipwreck met my ship was comin' in
We talked till the sun went down
Love on the Pugit sound
My treasure map was on your skin

Beauty in the water, angel on the beach
Ocean’s daughter, i thought love was out of reach
Till i got her, had I known it could come true
I would have wished in ’92, for a mermaid just like you
Whoa, just like you, whoa

Sharks green with envy, they wonder what you see in me
Funny thoughts sometimes can’t help but wonder about as well
Now life is a holiday, making up for the years I paid
The weight of this heavenly bay…it went through hell

Beauty in the water, angel on the beach
Ocean’s daughter, I thought love was out of reach
Till i got her, had I known it could come true
I would have wished in ’92, for a mermaid just like you
Whoa, just like you, whoa

Rescued you bout the banu tree, all the girl fish in the sea
They don’t have a handle on you, they don’t have a scandal on you,
Saving me was B -I-G, all the boyfish in the sea
They all wish that they could be me

Can’t swim so I took a boat, to an island so remote
Only Johnny Depp has ever been to it before

Beauty in the water, angel on the beach
Ocean’s daughter, i thought love was out of reach que toca o ukelele
Till I got her, had I known it could come true
I would have wished in ’92, for a mermaid just like you
Whoa, just like you, whoa.

Curiosidades: a sereia chama-se Alyssa Miller e é uma modelo de fatos de banho

o miúdo que toca o ukelele no inicio chama-se Aidan James

também aparece para lá de vários jogadores da NFL o actor Daniel Dae Kim

Analise Geral: o vídeo foi feito aquando do Pro Bowl da NFL que se realizou no Havai e os Train foram actuar no intervalo, e a historia acaba por ser engraçada com o Pat atras de uma sereia que ele vê na praia. Isso acaba por ser comico já que ele acaba por ignorar tudo o resto, desde as cherleaders aos jogadores para ir atras dela.

Na próxima semana

peluches radioativos

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