domingo, 5 de outubro de 2014

RigaMusicaAnalise #254 Pink ft Nate Ruess "Just give me a reason"

Right from the start
You were a thief, you stole my heart
And I, your willing victim
I let you see the parts of me
That weren't all that pretty
And with every touch
You fixed them

Now you've been talking in your sleep, oh, oh
Things you never say to me, oh, oh
Tell me that you've had enough
Of our love
Our love

Just give me a reason
Just a little bit's enough
Just a second, we're not broken, just bent
And we can learn to love again
It's in the stars
It's been written in the scars on our hearts
We're not broken, just bent
And we can learn to love again

I'm sorry, I don't understand
Where all of this is coming from
I thought that we were fine (oh, we had everything)
Your head is running wild again
My dear, we still have everythin'
And it's all in your mind (Yeah, but this is happenin'

You've been havin' real bad dreams, oh, oh
You used to lie so close to me oh oh
There's nothing more than empty sheets
Between our love, our love
Oh, our love, our love

Just give me a reason
Just a little bit's enough
Just a second, we're not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again
I never stopped
You're still written in the scars on my heart
You're not broken, just bent
And we can learn to love again

Oh, tear ducts and rust
I'll fix it for us
We're collecting dust
But our love's enough
You're holding it in
You're pouring a drink
No, nothing is as bad as it seems
We'll come clean

Just give me a reason
Just a little bit's enough
Just a second, we're not broken, just bent
And we can learn to love again
It's in the stars
It's been written in the scars on our hearts
We're not broken, just bent
And we can learn to love again

Just give me a reason
Just a little bit's enough
Just a second, we're not broken, just bent
And we can learn to love again
It's in the stars
It's been written in the scars on our hearts
We're not broken, just bent
And we can learn to love again

Oh, we can learn to love again
Oh, we can learn to love again
Oh, that we're not broken, just bent
And we can learn to love again

Curiosidades: o marido da Pink na vida real Carey Hart aparece no vídeo

Analise Geral: na pratica temos um dialogo sobre o fim de relações . em termos de vídeo até é interessante apesar de a musica ficar mais no ouvido do que o vídeo na retina.


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