domingo, 28 de setembro de 2014

RigaMusicaAnalise #253 James Morrison ft Jessie J "Up"

How can I find you
When you're always hiding from yourself
Playing hide and seek with me
Till it gets too dark
Too dark, inside your shell
Why do I even try
When you take me for granted?
I should know better by now
When you call I already hear that crashing sound
As it all falls down

It's never too late to turn it back around
Yeah I know you can
Don't bury your demons deep in the ground
When it all falls down

 The only way is up, up, up
The only way is up, up

I watch your spirit break
As it shatters into a million pieces
Just like glass I see right through you
And your parade of excuses
Feels like groundhog day
You say the same things over and over
There's that look in your eye
And I hear that crashing sound
As it all falls down

It's never too late to turn it back around
Yeah I know you can
Don't bury your demons deep in the ground
When it all falls down
The only way is up, up, up
The only way is up, up

It's your love that's strong
It's the only thing that keeps me holding on
It's your heart that's weak
But it's not too weak to bring you back to me

It's never too late to turn it back around
Yeah I know you can
Don't bury your demons deep in the ground
When it all falls down
When it all falls down
It's never too late to turn it back around
When it all falls down
The only way is up
The only way is up, up, up
The only way is up, up
When it all falls down

Curiosidades: tem a ver com uma relação entre o james morrison e o pai

Analise geral: musica e dueto interessante, é pena passarem para a parte final muito cedo.

na próxima semana

apenas dá-me uma razao

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